《动乱年代:基辛格回忆录(三册)》 – 亨利·基辛格(Henry Kissinger)Years of Upheaval –
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中文版本:《动乱年代:基辛格回忆录(全三册)[1983]》影印版本 PDF 电子书
封面 Cover
- 《动乱年代:基辛格回忆录》
- Years of Upheaval
简介 Intro
《动乱年代:基辛格回忆录》<Years of Upheaval>—— [美国] 亨利·基辛格(Henry Kissinger)
This second volume of Henry Kissinger’s monumental memoirs covers his years as President Richard Nixon’s Secretary of State (1972–1974), including the ending of the Vietnam War, the 1973 Middle East War and oil embargo, Watergate, and Nixon’s resignation. Years of Upheaval opens with Dr. Kissinger being appointed Secretary of State. Among other events of these turbulent years that he recounts are his trip to Hanoi after the Vietnam cease-fire, his efforts to settle the war in Cambodia, the “Year of Europe,” two Nixon-Brezhnev summit meetings and the controversies over arms control and détente, the military alert and showdown with the Soviet Union over the Middle East war, the subsequent oil crisis, the origins of shuttle diplomacy in the Middle East, the fall of Salvador Allende in Chile, and the tumultuous events surrounding Nixon’s resignation. Throughout are candid appraisals of world leaders, including Nixon, Golda Meir, Anwar Sadat, King Faisal, Hafez al-Asad, Chairman Mao, Leonid Brezhnev, Willy Brandt, Helmut Schmidt, Georges Pompidou, and many more. At once illuminating, fascinating, and profound, Years of Upheaval is a lasting contribution to the history of our time by one of its chief protagonists.
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[美国] 亨利·基辛格(Henry Kissinger)
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