《Wuthering Heights》 – Emily Brontë 呼啸山庄 咆哮山庄 Audiobook 有声书 (wuthering heights) (wuthering)
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《Wuthering Heights》
简介 Intro
《Wuthering Heights》—— Emily Brontë
Wuthering Heights (1847) – the story is narrated by Lockwood, a gentleman visiting the Yorkshire moors where the novel is set, and of Mrs Dean, housekeeper to the Earnshaw family, who had been witness of the interlocked destinies of the original owners of the Heights. In a series of flashbacks and time shifts, Bront?draws a powerful picture of the enigmatic Heathcliff, who is brought to Heights from the streets of Liverpool by Mr Earnshaw. Heathcliff is treated as Earnshaw\’s own children, Catherine and Hindley. After his death Heathcliff is bullied by Hindley, who loves Catherine, but she marries Edgar Linton. Heathcliff \’s destructive force is unleashed, and his first victim is Catherine, who dies giving birth to a girl, another Catherine. Isabella Linton, Edgar\’s sister, whom he had married, flees to the south. Their son Linton and Catherine are married, but always sickly Linton dies. Hareton, Hindley\’s son, and the young widow became close.
英国文坛着名的勃朗特三姐妹中的二姐艾米莉(Emily Brontë,1818—1848)的代表作,是一部震撼人心的“奇特小说”。弃儿希克利与“呼啸山庄”主人的独女卡瑟琳青梅竹马,却终因世俗的压力各奔东西,卡瑟琳凄然早逝后,希克利的一腔深情化成满腹怨恨,对周围所有的人展开疯狂的报复,最终感受到卡瑟琳的召唤,有情人在死后终得团圆。两人间惊天动地、超越生死的爱情与荒原和狂暴的自然融为一体,整部小说宛如一首激情澎湃的叙事长诗。
本书收入德裔美国着名插图画家艾辛贝(Fritz Eichenberg)为小说创作的全套经典木刻插图,极具收藏价值。
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Emily Brontë – 艾米莉·勃朗特
Emily Jane Brontë (30 July 1818 – 19 December 1848) was an English novelist and poet who is best known for her only novel, Wuthering Heights, now considered a classic of English literature. Emily was the third-eldest of the four surviving Brontë siblings, between the youngest Anne and her brother Branwell. She wrote under the pen name Ellis Bell.
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