《Beyond Order: 12 More Rules for Life》 – Jordan B. Peterson · 乔丹·彼得森:人生十二法则2 Audiobook 有声书
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《Beyond Order – 12 More Rules for Life》
简介 Intro
<Beyond Order: 12 More Rules for Life>—— Jordan B. Peterson · 乔丹·彼得森
The long-awaited sequel to 12 RULES FOR LIFE, which has sold over 5 million copies around the world
In 12 Rules for Life, acclaimed public thinker and clinical psychologist Jordan B. Peterson offered an antidote to the chaos in our lives: eternal truths applied to modern anxieties. His insights have helped millions of readers and resonated powerfully around the world.
Now in this much-anticipated sequel, Peterson goes further, showing that part of life\’s meaning comes from reaching out into the domain beyond what we know, and adapting to an ever-transforming world. While an excess of chaos threatens us with uncertainty, an excess of order leads to a lack of curiosity and creative vitality. Beyond Order therefore calls on us to balance the two fundamental principles of reality – order and chaos – and reveals the profound meaning that can be found on the path that divides them.
In times of instability and suffering, Peterson reminds us that there are sources of strength on which we can all draw: insights borrowed from psychology, philosophy, and humanity\’s greatest myths and stories. Drawing on the hard-won truths of ancient wisdom, as well as deeply personal lessons from his own life and clinical practice, Peterson offers twelve new principles to guide readers towards a more courageous, truthful and meaningful life.
- 现象级畅销书《人生十二法则》作者全新力作!《人生十二法则》给现代人提供了应对混乱生活的一剂良药,《人生十二法则2》则以全新的视角提出,只有勇敢超越秩序的边界才能积蓄起抵御悲观、焦虑与痛苦的内在能量,获得自由且丰盛的人生。
- 知名心理学家乔丹·彼得森教授根据现代读者都很关心的问题,比如如何经营亲密关系、如何突破事业瓶颈、如何化解内心的伤痛,提炼出了破解人生困局的12条基本法则,为你每一次的迷茫、犹豫和困苦指明方向。
- 写给每一个渴望破解人生困局的现代人
- 我是个被老手教做人的职场新人怎么办?——答案请参见法则一
- 我想躺平又不甘心怎么办?——答案请参见法则二
- 我不敢表达自己的感受怎么办?——答案请参见法则三
- 周围的人都在内卷我怎么办?——答案请参见法则四
- 上级安排的工作愚蠢可笑怎么办?——答案请参见法则五
- 我发现一切都是他人的错怎么办?——答案请参见法则六
- 我总是为未来焦虑怎么办?——答案请参见法则七
- 我的生活特别无聊怎么办?——答案请参见法则八
- 我总是回忆痛苦的过去怎么办?——答案请参见法则九
- 我总和另一半争吵不休怎么办?——答案请参见法则十
- 我无法摆脱坏习惯怎么办?——答案请参见法则十一
- 我比别人更不幸怎么办?——答案请参见法则十二
关键词:Beyond Order;人生十二法则2;
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又一本费脑书,同样是读圣经人家的深度简直了,完全看不出来是大病中写的。在北美丧丧的文化背景下特别理解为什么大家叫他the internet dad,一遍遍耐心引导找到人生方向。
Thank you Jordan Peterson
作者 Author
Jordan B. Peterson · 乔丹·彼得森
Dr. Jordan B. Peterson is the bestselling author of 12 Rules for Life, which has sold more than five million copies worldwide. After working for decades as a clinical psychologist and a professor at Harvard and the University of Toronto, Peterson has become one of the world\’s most influential public intellectuals. His YouTube videos and podcasts have gathered a worldwide audience of hundreds of millions, while his book tour reached more than 250,000 people in major cities around the globe. With his students and colleagues, Dr. Peterson has published more than one hundred scientific papers, and his 1999 book Maps of Meaning revolutionized the psychology of religion. He lives in Toronto, Ontario with his family.
- 多伦多大学心理学教授、临床心理学家、大五人格研究专家,曾任哈佛大学心理学系副教授。主要研究异常心理、社会心理以及人格心理学。
- 他与哈佛大学、多伦多大学的同事及学生联合发表了100多篇学术论文,推动当代人对人格的理解。他在哈佛大学执教时,入围过很有声望的利文森教学奖。来到多伦多大学后,彼得森被学生们评为“改变人生”的三位教授之一。
- 他还为律师、医生、商界人士讲授神话学,为联合国秘书长提供咨询服务,为临床病人提供抑郁症、强迫症、焦虑症和感统失调的治疗,担任加拿大大型律师事务所合伙人的顾问,并在北美、欧洲等地广泛讲学。
- 他在美国问答网站Quora上的回答广受欢迎, 这促成了他的现象级畅销书《人生十二法则》的诞生,该书甫一出版就风靡全球,雄踞近60个国家的畅销榜,全球销量累计突破数百万册。此外,他还将自己在大学讲课的视频,以及与世界上许多伟大思想家关于文化、宗教、神话与哲学的对谈视频发布在YouTube上,目前其累计播放量已超数亿次。
- 他创立的精神健康网站已帮助数万人纠正性格缺陷,深入了解和疗愈自己,改善与他人的关系, 从而拥有更好的未来。
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