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《明清社会性爱风气》 高清影印 PDF 电子书
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《明清社会性爱风气》—— 吴存存
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明清时期性爱风气看起来异彩纷呈,气象万千,却也一时半会觉得很混乱,这本书梳理起来甚是让人从中感到了脉络的清晰可循,尤其引用和点评大量的明清小说和笔记之类的文字,读起来很有趣味。ps,校对似乎有小瑕,一部分把袁枚写成了袁牧,不过后面又写对了- –
作者 Author
吴存存,中国古代文学教授,香港大学中文学院主任,香港人文学院院士。2010年开始在中文学院执教,此前曾在中国的南开大学和澳大利亚的新英格兰大学执教近二十年。她以中英文在海内外发表了大量的关于明清文学与性别和性爱问题的专着、论文和翻译,其代表性着作爲《明清社会性爱风气》(人民文学出版社 2000), Homoerotic Sensibilities in Late Imperial China (RoutledgeCurzon, 2004),Homoeroticism in Imperial China: A Sourcebook, (Routledge, 2013) 以及《戏外之戏:清中晚期京城的戏园文化与梨园私寓制》(香港大学出版社2017)。目前她主要在从事她的第三个GRF课题的研究:“里巷文学——晚清中国北方的馒头舖本与平民女性的声音” (2020-2023)。她讲授的本科课程包括CHIN2125“历代词”,CHIN2127“中国古典小说”以及CHIN2151“明清小说与明清时期的性与性别问题”。此外,她也担任有关研究领域的MA, MPhil和PhD论文的导师。
Wu Cuncun (PhD, Melbourne, 2002) is Professor of Traditional Chinese Literature as well as the Head of School, School of Chinese, HKU, and Fellow of the Hong Kong Academy of Humanities. She joined the School in 2010, having been senior lecturer in Chinese in the School of Arts, University of New England, Australia, and before that an associate professor of Chinese literature in the Chinese Department at Nankai University, Tianjin. Professor Wu has published widely in both Chinese and English, specializing in late imperial Chinese literature as well as gender and sexuality in Chinese history. Her books include 《明清社会性爱风气》(Sex and Sensibility in Ming-Qing Society, People’s Literature Press, 2000), Homoerotic Sensibilities in Late Imperial China (RoutledgeCurzon, 2004),Homoeroticism in Imperial China: A Sourcebook (co-authored with Mark Stevenson, Routledge, 2012), and《戏外之戏:清中晚期京城的戏园文化与梨园私寓制》(Drama Beyond the Drama: The Private Apartment System and Beijing Theatre Culture, 1790-1911, Hong Kong University Press, 2017). She is currently principal investigator on her third GRF project, “Street Literacy: Songbooks and Voices of Lower-Class Urban Women in Nineteenth-Century North China” (2020-2023).
Professor Wu’s undergrasrcate courses are CHIN2125 Ci Poetry from the Tang to the Qing, CHIN2127 Chinese Classical Fiction, and CHIN2151 Gender and Sexuality in Ming and Qing Fiction. She also supervises MA, MPhil and PhD theses in her areas of expertise.
代表性着述 Selected Publications:
- 2017,《戏外之戏:清中晚期京城的戏园文化与梨园私寓制》(Drama Beyond the Drama: The Private Apartment System and Beijing Theatre Culture, 1790-1911), Hong Kong: Hong Kong University Press.
http://www.hkupress.org/Common/Reader/Prosrccts/ShowProsrcct.jsp?Pid=1&Version=0&Cid=15&Charset=iso-8859-1&page=-1&key=9789888390663 - 2017, Mark Stevenson and Wu Cuncun (co-editor), Wanton Women in Late-Imperial Chinese Literature: Models, Genres, Subversions and Traditions, Leiden & Boston: Brill.
http://www.brill.com/prosrccts/book/wanton-women-late-imperial-chinese-literature - 2016, “Pornographic Modes of Expression and Nascent Chinese Modernity in Late Imperial China”, Modernism/Modernity (The Johns Hopkins University Press), 23 (4), November 2016.
https://img.nayona.cn/n/202306/23/u0s30bgqora - 2016, “The Plebification of Male-Love and the Positioning of Catamites (xiaoguan) in Late-Ming Fiction: The Forgotten Tales of Longyang”, in Kam Louie edit. Changing Chinese Masculinities: from Imperial Pillars of State to Global Real Men, Hong Kong: University of Hong Kong Press, pp. 72-89.
- 2014,《从〈欢喜冤家〉中的通姦故事看晚明城市普通人的价值观和道德观念的崛起》,《中国文化》, 第40卷,页69-79.
- 2014, “Official Life: Homoerotic Self-Representation and Theater in Li Ciming’s Yuemantang Riji”, Frontiers of History in China, Brill, 9 (2): 202-24.
- 2013,《普通人、当代题材与欲望:黄方胤〈陌花轩杂剧〉中的蕩妇形象与晚明戏曲中的现代曙光》,《中国文化》,第38卷,页128-36。
- 2012, Homoeroticism in Imperial China: A Sourcebook, London & New York: Routledge. Pages: 285 (co-author with Mark Stevenson).
- 2010, “Speaking of Flowers: Theatre, Public Culture, and Homoerotic Writing in Nineteenth-Century Beijing,” Asian Theatre Journal, 27 (1) (Spring 2010): 100-129. (co-author)
- 2010, “‘It Was I Who Lured the Boy’: Commoner Women, Intimacy and the Sensual Body in the Song Collections of Feng Menglong (1574-1646),” Nan Nü: Men, Women and Gender in China. 12(2): 311-343.
- 2008,《‘旧染污俗,允宜鹹与维新’:二十世纪初关于‘私寓’与‘倡优并提’的讨论与中国性史的西化”》,《中国文化》, 第28卷,页98-111.
- 2008,《清代梨园花谱流行状况考略》,《汉学研究》第26卷(2),页163-184.
- 2006, “Male love lost: the fate of male same-sex prostitution in Beijing in the late nineteenth and early twentieth centuries.” In Fran Martin and Larissa Heinrich (ed.) Embodied Modernities: Corporeality, Representation and Chinese Cultures, Honolulu: Hawaii University Press, pp. 42-59 (co-authored).
- 2004, Homoerotic Sensibilities in Late Imperial China. London: RoutledgeCurzon. Pages: 232 (reprinted in paperback by Routledge in 2012).
- 2003, “‘Beautiful boys made up as beautiful girls…’: elements of anti-masculine taste in Qing dynasty writing and male homosexual sensibilities.” In Kam Louie (ed.) Asian Masculinities: The Meaning and Practice of Manhood in China and Japan, London: RoutledgeCurzon, pp. 19-40.
- 2000, 《明清社会性爱风气》,北京:人民文学出版社, 294页.
*Translated into Japanese and Korean. In Japanese:中国近世の性爱——耽美と逸楽の王国, 呉存存着, 铃木博訳, 东京: 青土社, 2005. In Korean [an abridged and then full-translation in South Korea (2009, 2014)]: O Jonjon (2009 ) Namja, namjareul saranghada: kkottaun sonyeone yeolgwanghan jungguk geunseui namsaek iyagi, Seoul: Hakgojae. 남자, 남자를 사랑하다 : 꽃다운 소년에 열광한 중국 근세의 남색 이야기. On Jonjon (2014) Myeong-cheong sidae seongae pungjo.명청시대 성애풍조. Jeonju: Chonbuk National University Press.
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