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Plato and a Platypus Walk Into a Bar: Understanding Philosophy Through Jokes – Avinash K. Dixi

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英文原版:《Plato and a Platypus Walk Into a Bar: Understanding Philosophy Through Jokes》PDF

中文简体:《柏拉图和鸭嘴兽一起去酒吧》PDF MOBI EPUB 格式电子书


封面 Cover
Plato and a Platypus Walk Into a Bar: Understanding Philosophy Through Jokes – Avinash K. Dixit / Barry J. Nalebuff – Thomas Cathcart(托马斯·卡斯卡特) / Daniel Klein(丹尼尔·克莱恩)柏拉图和鸭嘴兽一起去酒吧 –
《Plato and a Platypus Walk Into a Bar – Understanding Philosophy Through Jokes》
Plato and a Platypus Walk Into a Bar: Understanding Philosophy Through Jokes – Avinash K. Dixit / Barry J. Nalebuff – Thomas Cathcart(托马斯·卡斯卡特) / Daniel Klein(丹尼尔·克莱恩)柏拉图和鸭嘴兽一起去酒吧 –

简介 Intro

<Plato and a Platypus Walk Into a Bar: Understanding Philosophy Through Jokes>—— Thomas Cathcart / Daniel Klein

This New York Times bestseller is the hilarious philosophy course everyone wishes they\’d had in school

Outrageously funny, Plato and a Platypus Walk into a Bar . . . has been a breakout bestseller ever since authors(and born vaudevillians)Thomas Cathcart and Daniel Klein did their schtick on NPR\’s Weekend Edition . Lively, original, and powerfully informative, Plato and a Platypus Walk Into a Bar . . . is a not-so-reverent crash course through the great philosophical thinkers and traditions, from Existentialism ( What do Hegel and Bette Midler have in common? ) to Logic ( Sherlock Holmes never desrcced anything ). Philosophy 101 for those who like to take the heavy stuff lightly, this is a joy to read and finally, it all makes sense!



截图预览 Screenshot Preview

Plato and a Platypus Walk Into a Bar: Understanding Philosophy Through Jokes – Avinash K. Dixit / Barry J. Nalebuff – Thomas Cathcart(托马斯·卡斯卡特) / Daniel Klein(丹尼尔·克莱恩)柏拉图和鸭嘴兽一起去酒吧 –

《Plato and a Platypus Walk Into a Bar – Understanding Philosophy Through Jokes》截图(点击放大)

读者评论 Readers\’ Comments


Not your average philosophy books, an Easy breezy read…. Plus a lot of fun, so why not have a look?


Hilarious!柏拉图和鸭嘴兽一起去酒吧,最近看的最好笑的一本书。冷笑话烂梗超级多,但其实是用笑话来串解哲学观点。每当看他们甩出个老笑话来就忍不住翻白眼,然而人家一本正经解释完了之后还说,\”我晓得你们觉得无聊了,但我又没说哲学有笑话那么好笑,怪我咯!\” 今年最爱

作者 Author

Thomas Cathcart(托马斯·卡斯卡特) / Daniel Klein(丹尼尔·克莱恩)




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