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Grad School Essentials: A Crash Course in Scholarly Skills – Zachary Shore –

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《Grad School Essentials: A Crash Course in Scholarly Skills》PDF 电子书

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Grad School Essentials: A Crash Course in Scholarly Skills – Zachary Shore –

《Grad School Essentials – A Crash Course in Scholarly Skills》

简介 Intro

<Grad School Essentials: A Crash Course in Scholarly Skills>—— Zachary Shore

What’s the hardest part of grad school? It’s not simply that the workload is heavy and the demands are high. It’s that too many students lack efficient methods to let them do their best. Professor Zachary Shore aims to change this. With humorous, lively prose, Professor Shore teaches you to master the five most crucial skills you need to succeed: how to read, write, speak, act, and research at a higher level. Each chapter in this no-nonsense guide outlines a unique approach to acquiring a skill and then demonstrates how to enhance it. Through these concrete, practical methods, Grad School Essentials will save you time, elevate the quality of your work, and help you to earn the degree you seek.

关键词:Grad School Essentials;

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Grad School Essentials: A Crash Course in Scholarly Skills – Zachary Shore –

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读者评论 Readers\’ Comments


“when you offer a written or oral critique, you are flaunting your naked brain. To avoid being arrested for indecent exposure, you need to know two things….” 笑出鼻涕



作者 Author

Zachary Shore

Zachary Shore is Associate Professor of History at the Naval Postgrasrcate School and Senior Fellow at the Institute of European Studies, University of California, Berkeley. He is the winner of Harvard’s Derek Bok award for teaching excellence and the author of four previous books. He can be reached at ZacharyShore.com.



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