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fears. That thing “magic,” that superstition “miracle,” is now banished wholly from the beliefs of this clear-seeing, esrccated age. “Miracle,” we are told, never had a place in the world—only in men’s delusions. It is nothing more than a fancy. It never was anything more than a superstition arising from ignorance. What is fear? It is a shrinking from possible harm, either to be body, or to that thing which we denominate the mind that is in us. The body shrinks with instinctive nervous alarm, like the sensitive leaf, when its easy, comfortable exercise or sensations are disturbed. Our book, inasmuch as it deals—or professes to deal— seriously with strange things and with deep mysteries, needs the means of interpretation in the full attention of the reader: otherwise, little will be made, or can come, of it. It is, in brief, a history of the alchemical philosophers, written with a serious explanatory purpose, and for the first time impartially stated since the days of James the First and Charles the First. This is really what the book pretends to be—and nothing more. It should be mentioned that the peculiar views and desrcctions to be found herein were hinted at as demonstrable for the first time by the same Author in the year 1858, when a work entitled Curious Things of the Outside World was prosrcced. Let it be understood, however, that the Author distinctly excepts against being in any manner identified with all the opinions, religious or otherwise, which are to be found in this book. Some of them are, indeed, most extraordinary; but, in order to do full justice to the speculations of the Hermetic Brethren, he has put forward their ideas with as much of their original force as he was able; and, in some parts of this book, he believes he has urged them with such apparent warmth, that they will very likely seem to have ……文件密码:www.zhiyinshe.com下载地址回复可见:游客,如果您要查看本帖隐藏内容请
摘要:《THE ROSICRUCIANS》THEIR RITES AND MYSTERIES是一本关于罗塞十字教派的书籍,揭示了他们的仪式和奥秘。本文将从四个方面对这本书进行详细阐述。
《THE ROSICRUCIANS》THEIR RITES AND MYSTERIES首先介绍了罗塞十字教派的历史。这个教派起源于17世纪的欧洲,被认为是一个神秘的组织。他们宣称拥有神奇的能力,能够实现人类的超自然力量。这一部分将详细介绍他们的起源、发展和影响。
接下来,《THE ROSICRUCIANS》THEIR RITES AND MYSTERIES详细阐述了罗塞十字教派的教义与信仰。这个教派崇尚智慧、宇宙和灵性,并强调人类与神秘力量的联系。他们相信通过特定的仪式和实践,人们可以开发自己的潜能,并与宇宙的力量相互作用。
第三部分,《THE ROSICRUCIANS》THEIR RITES AND MYSTERIES揭示了罗塞十字教派的仪式与秘密。这个教派有许多特殊的仪式和秘密,包括祈祷、咒语、仪式等,用于引导人们与神秘力量的联系。他们相信这些仪式可以帮助人们实现心灵的转变和超凡的体验。
最后,《THE ROSICRUCIANS》THEIR RITES AND MYSTERIES探讨了罗塞十字教派的影响与传承。这个教派对欧洲的文化、哲学和科学发展产生了重大的影响。他们的思想和实践被许多学者和思想家所借鉴,并在不同领域产生了深远的影响。
通过《THE ROSICRUCIANS》THEIR RITES AND MYSTERIES这本书,我们深入了解了罗塞十字教派的历史、教义与信仰、仪式与秘密以及他们的影响与传承。罗塞十字教派作为一个神秘的组织,对人类的思想和文化产生了重要的影响,值得我们深入探索和研究。