30 Victory 胜利 – ceccoli oracle
你赢了! 或其他人赢了! 无论哪种方式,冲突都将结束。 如果您是胜利者,则要胸怀宽广,富有同情心。如果可以的话,与冲突中的人和解。如果您没有取得胜利,请在失败时保持风度。 从这一点上以积极的态度前进。 无论哪种方式,请倾听您天性中更好的天使,无论将来遇到什么挑战,您都会变得更加坚强。
Light:在这种情况下没有责备-每个参与的人都是按照自己的良知行事。 Dark: 堤防血腥欲望。无需惩罚任何人。
30 – Victory
You’ve won! Or someone else has won! Either way, the conflict is coming to its close. If you are the victor, be magnanimous and merciful. Make peace with former foes if you can. If you were not victorious, be gracious in defeat. Go forward from this point with a positive attitude. Either way, listen to the better angels of your nature, and you’ll be stronger for whatever challenges present themselves in the future.
Light:There is no blame in the situation-everyone involved has acted according to their own conscience. Dark:Beware of blood lust. There is no need to punish anyone.
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