32 Wish 许愿 – ceccoli oracle
Light:您确实得到了一个以上的愿望,但要明智地使用它们。 Dark: 如果愿望不对,请花一些时间来理解它,然后再重新愿望。
32- Wish
The universe is conspiring in your favor now, and it’s time to make a wish. A big wish. If there’s something you want that you haven’t let yourself believe in, go ahead and believe. Belief is what turns wishes into reality. But do be careful what you wish for. Be specific. Don’t ask for true love if your environment can’t sustain it. Don’t ask for a happy ending if you aren’t prepared to compromise. The process of making your wish will clarify what needs to change in your life to make room for it. And then…poof! Your wish will come true.
Light:You do get more than one wish, but use them wisely. Dark:If a wish goes awry, take some time to understand it before you wish again.
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