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塔罗牌 31 Tough Love 严厉的爱 – ceccoli oracle 瑟可莉神谕卡

塔罗牌 31 Tough Love 严厉的爱 – ceccoli oracle 瑟可莉神谕卡 塔罗牌 31 Tough Love 严厉的爱 – ceccoli oracle 瑟可莉神谕卡

31 Tough Love 严厉的爱 – ceccoli oracle

对我们有益的事情并不总是那么美好。 您最近是否曾经遭受过一些严厉的爱 ? 记住,最爱我们的人会说出必须告诉的事实。他们相信我们知道这是对我们有利的。 他们真的认为: “这对我的伤害大于对您的伤害”。 因此,感谢他们的鞭策,并把严厉的爱铭记在心。下次当您需要这样对待别人时请记住自己的感受。

Light:在这种情况下没有责备-每个参与的人都是按照自己的良知行事。 Dark: 堤防血腥欲望。无需惩罚任何人。

31 – Tough Love

Things that are good for us don’t always feel good. Have you been on the receiving end of some tough love lately? Remember, it’s the ones who love us most who will tell the truths that need to be told. They trust that we know it’s for our benefit, even if it stings in the moment. “This hurts me more than it hurts you” is often quite true. So thank them, take your medicine, and take the tough love to heart. Remember how it feels the next time you need to dispense it to someone else.

Light:You’re going to feel ever so much better very soon.Dark:There’s more toughness than love in this situation. Proceed with caution.


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