《In Order To Live: A North Korean Girls Journey to Freedom》 – Yeonmi Park / 朴研美 – 为了活下去:
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- 《In Order To Live – A North Korean Girls Journey to Freedom》
- 为了活下去:脱北女孩朴研美
简介 Intro
<In Order To Live: A North Korean Girl\’s Journey to Freedom / 为了活下去:脱北女孩朴研美>—— Yeonmi Park / 朴研美
\’I am most grateful for two things: that I was born in North Korea, and that I escaped from North Korea.\’
Yeonmi Park was not dreaming of freedom when she escaped from North Korea. She didn\’t even know what it meant to be free. All she knew was that she was running for her life, that if she and her family stayed behind they would die – from starvation, or disease, or even execution.
This book is the story of Park\’s struggle to survive in the darkest, most repressive country on earth; her harrowing escape through China\’s underworld of smugglers and human traffickers; and then her escape from China across the Gobi desert to Mongolia, with only the stars to guide her way, and from there to South Korea and at last to freedom; and finally her emergence as a leading human rights activist – all before her 21st birthday.
- 「这辈子我最感激两件事,一是我出生在北韩,一是我逃出了北韩。」
这一则活下去的故事。- 上学途中看见尸体躺在路边、肚子饿到只能吃野生植物果腹、邻居莫名其妙「消失」等等,这些都是朴研美从小到大习以为常的事。她相信「敬爱的领袖」可以看穿她的心,甚至因为她心里的「坏念头」而惩罚她。
- 十三岁那年,饥荒再加上父亲入狱,迫使研美一家人不得不冒着生命危险,横越结冰的鸭绿江,从北韩逃到中国。然而,到了中国之后,她才发现自己已经落入中国人口贩子的手中。
- 她在人口贩子的掌控下度过两年生不如死的岁月,在一个甚至比她逃离的家乡更残酷、更危险的地方挣扎求生。后来,研美与母亲再一次冒着生命危险想办法逃亡。她们在漆黑的寒夜横越戈壁沙漠,跟随着星星的指引迈向自由。
- 这是朴研美第一次以无比的勇气、尊严和幽默的语调,完整道出这段惊心动魄的往事。这本书证明了人类精神的强大韧性,以及不计代价追求自由的强烈决心。
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读者评论 Readers\’ Comments
哭了我不下3次… Yeonmi描述的童年的场景总觉得似曾相识
朴延美真的很努力的in order to live了。但是书里有明显的个人立场,她很不满中国遣返脱北者,但为什么中国要接受?还有一些细节存疑,比如说hongwei在沈阳15岁就是帮派头还有karaok empire?我不信,hongwei这个人身上太多疑点。
So shocked not only by their extremely cruel and inhuman life in North Korea , miserable trafficing experience in China and thrilling escape frome China to South Korea,but aslo by their deepest love for each other and extraodinary courage for living and freedom.It\’s so glad to know that Yeonmi lead a happy and free life in America now.
书里印象很深的一段话 “There were so many desperate people on the streets crying for help that you had to shut off your heart or the pain would be too much. After a while you can’t care anymore. And that is what hell is like.” 这段话何尝不是我们现在的生活…
作者 Author
Yeonmi Park / 朴研美
Yeonmi Park (Korean: 박연미; born 4 October 1993) is a North Korean defector and activist whose family fled from North Korea to China in 2007 and settled in South Korea in 2009, before moving to the United States in 2014. Her family turned to black-market trading srcring North Korea\’s economic collapse in the 1990s. Her father was sent to a labor camp for smuggling. They fled to China, where Park and her mother fell into the hands of human traffickers and she was sold into slavery before escaping to Mongolia. She is now an advocate for victims of human trafficking in China and works to promote human rights in North Korea and around the globe.
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