《500 Days: Secrets and Lies in the Terror Wars》 – 库尔特•艾肯沃德(Kurt Eichenwald)谁激怒了美国:秘密与谎言的500天:首
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《500 Days – Secrets and Lies in the Terror Wars》
简介 Intro
<500 Days: Secrets and Lies in the Terror Wars>—— 库尔特•艾肯沃德(Kurt Eichenwald)
500 Days chronicles the eighteen months following 9/11 and lays bare the harrowing decisions, deceptions, and delusions that changed America and the world forever.
The book is epic in scope, a story that unfolds with the page-turning urgency of a thriller to reveal how the secrets and lies from those early days continue to drive modern developments in the terror wars—from the upcoming Guantanamo trial of 9/11 mastermind Khalid Sheikh Mohammed, to the plans to withdraw American troops from Afghanistan, to President Obama’s orders targeting Bin Laden and other high-ranking al Qaeda leaders in Pakistan, to al Qaeda’s recent plans to bring down airliners with bombs that can be easily missed by metal detectors.
Through a fly-on-the-wall style and true-to-life dialogue, 500 Days bring readers behind closed doors and into the company of the powerful and the powerless. From the Oval Office to Number 10 Downing Street, from the makeshift cells at Guantanamo Bay to the CIA Counterterrorist Center, from remote al-Qaeda training camps to the brutal torture chambers of Syria, 500 Days traces the actions that determined every aspect of the terror wars.
Relying on over six hundred hours of interviews and thousands of documents, 500 Days reveals never-before-reported details about detainee treatment and rendition, warrantless wiretapping, conflicts between Washington and London, the invasions of Iraq and Afghanistan, the anthrax attacks, and more.
关键词:500 Days: Secrets and Lies in the Terror Wars;
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读者评论 Readers\’ Comments
This book should be required reading for all Americans…it is a meticulously researched history of the 500 days following 9/11. To say that the policy and legal choices made by our government in those days have had horrifying and long-lasting consequences may not really do justice to the situation created, but it should give all of us pause when we consider what was done in our name. The author did a masterful job of research and writing here.
A truly insightful look into how a small number of people, with limited actual knowledge but very strong opinions, led the US a) into a war that should never have been fought, and more importantly, b) onto a path that subjugated American values to fight the fear engendered by terrorism.
作者 Author
库尔特•艾肯沃德(Kurt Eichenwald)
库尔特•艾肯沃德为《纽约时报》撰稿已超过20 年,同时也是《名利场》特约编辑。
着有畅销书《傻瓜的阴谋》、《告密者》和《岩上毒蛇》等。其中《告密者》曾被《纽约时报》评为“10 年来最杰出的纪实文学作品”,于2009 年被搬上荧幕,男主角马特•戴蒙获金球奖最佳男主角提名;《傻瓜的阴谋》将由莱昂纳多•迪卡普里奥主演,于2013 年上映。
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