We Have No Idea: A Guide to the Unknown Universe – Jorge Cham / Daniel Whiteson – 一想到还有9
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《We Have No Idea – A Guide to the Unknown Universe》
简介 Intro
《We Have No Idea: A Guide to the Unknown Universe》—— Jorge Cham / Daniel Whiteson
PHD Comics creator Jorge Cham and particle physicist Daniel Whiteson have teamed up to spelunk through the enormous gaps in our cosmological knowledge, armed with their popular infographics, cartoons, and unusually entertaining and lucid explanations of science.
In We Have No Idea, they explore the biggest unknowns in the universe, why these things are still mysteries, and what a lot of smart people are doing to figure out the answers (or at least ask the right questions). While they\’re at it, they helpfully demystify many complicated things we do know about, from quarks and neutrinos to gravitational waves and exploding black holes. With equal doses of humor and delight, they invite us to see the universe as a vast expanse of mostly uncharted territory that\’s still ours to explore.
This entertaining illustrated science primer is the perfect book for anyone who\’s curious about all the big questions physicists are still trying to answer.
- 这是一本“逆向科普”的科普书。你以为你知道的事情,其实连世界顶尖科学家都不知道。这本书告诉你那些“顶尖科学家都不知道的事情” 。但这并非一本“答案”之书。本书旨在告诉你人类最前沿科学的边界,带领你一起从未知探索到已知
- 这是一本趣味和严谨并存的科普书。一个科学家,放弃科研,改画漫画。20年后,他邀请一位顶尖科学家共同创作了这本“科普未知”的科普书
- 这是一本你不看就会“落伍”的科普书。为什么“黑洞” “暗物质” “暗能量”“宇宙”“平行空间”等概念对人类有着深深的吸引力?那是因为它们是“未知”的。只有未知的事物才能勾起人类强大的好奇心而好奇心正是人类发展的源动力。
关键词:一想到还有95%的问题留给人类,我就放心了;这世界难捉摸:霍金也想懂的95%未知宇宙;豪尔赫‧陈 Jorge Cham;丹尼尔‧怀森 Daniel Whiteson;
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Preview – We Have No Idea A Guide to the Unknown Universe
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作者 Author
Jorge Cham / Daniel Whiteson
Jorge Cham is the creator of the popular online comic Piled Higher and Deeper, popularly known as PHD Comics. He earned his PhD in robotics at Stanford.
Daniel Whiteson is a professor of experimental particle physics at the University of California, Irvine, and a fellow of the American Physical Society. He consrccts research using the Large Hadron Collider at CERN.
Their PHD TV videos have been viewed millions of times on YouTube and aired on PBS.
- 豪尔赫•陈(Jorge Cham)
- 巴拿马籍华人,斯坦福大学机械工程博士,曾任加州理工大学研究员。
- 研究生在读期间,他开始创作PhD Comics,以漫画的方式记录科学青年的生活。这一作品在网络上快速走红,《科学》《纽约时报》等媒体对他的作品也有极高评价,陈博士就此成为炙手可热的网络漫画家。
- 丹尼尔•怀特森(Daniel Whiteson)
- 加州大学尔湾分校教授,美国物理学会会员,粒子物理学家,他是可以使用欧洲核子研究中心(CERN)大型强子对撞机进行科学研究的顶尖科学家之一。怀特森十分热衷于科普,喜欢传播科学思维,他很擅长用深入浅出的方式,介绍尖端的物理概念。
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