《Mao: The Real Story》 – Alexander Pantsov , Steven I. Levine 毛泽东:真实的故事 –
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《Mao – The Real Story》
简介 Intro
《Mao: The Real Story》—— Alexander Pantsov, Steven I. Levine
This major new biography of Mao uses extensive Russian documents previously unavailable to biographers to reveal surprising details about Mao’s rise to power and leadership in China.
This major new biography of Mao uses extensive Russian documents previously unavailable to biographers to reveal surprising details about Mao’s rise to power and his leadership in China.
Mao Zedong was one of the most important figures of the twentieth century, the most important in the history of modern China. A complex figure, he was champion of the poor and brutal tyrant, poet and despot.
Pantsov and Levine show Mao’s relentless drive to succeed, vividly describing his growing role in the nascent Communist Party of China. They disclose startling facts about his personal life, particularly regarding his health and his lifelong serial affairs with young women. They portray him as the loyal Stalinist that he was, who never broke with the Soviet Union until after Stalin’s death.
Mao brought his country from poverty and economic backwardness into the modern age and onto the world stage. But he was also responsible for an unprecedented loss of life. The disastrous Great Leap Forward with its accompanying famine and the bloody Cultural Revolution were Mao’s creations. Internationally Mao began to distance China from the USSR under Khrushchev and shrewdly renewed relations with the U.S. as a counter to the Soviets. He lived and behaved as China’s last emperor.
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作者 Author
亚历山大‧潘佐夫(Alexander V. Pantsov)
美国俄亥俄州哥伦布市首都大学(Capital University)历史学教授、玛丽‧凯萨琳‧吉贺德人文学讲座(Mary Catherine Gerhold Chair in the Humanities)教授。潘佐夫生于莫斯科,毕业于莫斯科国立大学亚非研究中心(Moscow State University Institute of Asian and African Studies),获俄罗斯科学院(Russian Academy of Sciences)颁授博士学位。出版多项着作,包括《布尔什维克与中国革命,1919-1927》(The Bolsheviks and the Chinese Revolution, 1919-1927)。
梁思文(Steven I. Levine)
美国蒙大拿大学(University of Montana)莫林‧曼斯菲尔德及迈克‧曼斯菲尔德中心高级研究员,哈佛大学博士。梁司文专攻现代中国政治及外交政策、美国—东亚关系,曾出版多本着作,其中包括与韩德(Micheal H.Hunt)合着的《弧形帝国:美国在亚洲的战争,从菲律宾到越南》(Arc of Empire: America\’s Wars in Asia from the Philippines to Vietnam)。
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