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《Die with Zero – Getting All You Can from Your Money and Your Life》
简介 Intro
《Die with Zero: Getting All You Can from Your Money and Your Life》—— Bill Perkins
A Wall Street Journal Best Seller
A common-sense guide to living rich…instead of dying rich
Imagine if by the time you died, you did everything you were told to. You worked hard, saved your money, and looked forward to financial freedom when you retired.
The only thing you wasted along the way was…your life.
Die with Zero presents a startling new and provocative philosophy as well as practical guide on how to get the most out of your money – and out of your life. It’s intended for those who place lifelong memorable experiences far ahead of simply making and accumulating money for one’s so-called Golden Years.
In short, Bill Perkins wants to rescue you from over-saving and under-living. Regardless of your age, Die with Zero will teach you Perkins’ plan for optimizing your life, stage by stage, so you’re fully engaged and enjoying what you’ve worked and saved for.
You’ll discover how to maximize your lifetime memorable moments with “experience bucketing”, how to convert your earnings into priceless memories by following your “net worth curve”, and find out how to navigate whether to invest in, or delay, a meaningful adventure based on your “spend curve” and “personal interest rate”.
Using his own life experiences as well as the inspiring stories and cautionary tales of others – and drawing on eye-opening insights about time, money, and happiness from psychological science and behavioral finance – Perkins makes a timely, convincing, and contrarian case for living large.
关键词:Die with Zero;零遗产;
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读者评论 Readers\’ Comments
不错的一本书,好像之前没看过类似的讨论。不只是工作生活要平衡的陈旧强调,平衡也要有个目的和衡量标准,但人们很少细说怎么平衡,怎么衡量平衡。本书预设了人生要体验最大化这一目的,然后展开工作和消费(储蓄)的讨论。Die with zero,想想都激动。
作者 Author
Bill Perkins
Called the \”Last Cowboy\” of hedge funds by the Wall Street Journal, Bill Perkins is considered one of the most successful energy traders in history. He\’s reported to have generated more than $1 billion for his previous firm srcring a five year period. After studying electrical engineering at the University of Iowa, Bill trained on Wall Street and later moved to Houston, TX where he made a fortune as an energy trader. Now at age 51, Bill\’s professional life includes work as a hedge fund manager with more than $120 million in assets, Hollywood film prosrccer, high stakes tournament poker player, and the resident \”Indiana Jones\” for several charities. Bill manages this via smartphone on his yacht in the U.S. Virgin Islands, and while traveling the world with close friends and family.
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