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《The Story of English in 100 Words》-PDF MOBI EPUB Kindle 电子书下载 – David Crystal audiobook download 有声书下载 用100字串起英语的历史-小而美应用

《The Story of English in 100 Words》

简介 Intro

《The Story of English in 100 Words》—— David Crystal

The world\’s foremost expert on the English language takes us on an entertaining and eye-opening tour of the history of our vernacular through the ages.

In this entertaining history of the world\’s most ubiquitous language, David Crystal draws on one hundred words that best illustrate the huge variety of sources, influences and events that have helped to shape our vernacular since the first definitively English word–\’roe\’–was written down on the femur of a roe deer in the fifth century. Featuring ancient words (\’loaf\’), cutting edge terms that relfect our world (\’twittersphere\’), indispensible words that shape our tongue (\’and\’, \’what\’), fanciful words (\’fopdoodle\’) and even obscene expressions (the \”c word..\”.), David Crystal takes readers on a tour of the winding byways of our language via the rude, the obscure and the downright surprising.










语言在流行产业和文化创作中有不可动摇的重要性:科幻动作片《骇客任务》的英文片名Matrix一字,最早可以追朔到十六世纪,为圣经中的用字,和现在所使用的字义大不同。【#37 Matrix 母体】

语言可因应时代而生,也可因科技起而复生:十六世纪剧作家汤玛士.纳许所创之词「chatmate」原是指「说长道短者」,在数个世纪后现代的网路世界中,得以复活成为人们于社群网路中的「聊天对象」。【#43 Bodgery 拙劣的工技】

语言可以基于国家民情的不同而产生不同的定义和认知:美国人把bloody当作强调词来使用,但基于英国对于该用词的背景,英国人认为这是一个粗俗而不堪的负面用字。【#47 Bloody 他妈的】

语言上的差异会影响广大读者的文化理解程度:《哈利波特:神奇的魔法石》一书的英文版书名为Harry Potter and the Philosopher’s Stone,到了美国,书名中的Philosopher改为了Sorcerer一词。【#58 Americanism 美式用法】

语言会因地域性和阶层性而产生认知上的断层:在英国,基于早期五○年代的不同的阶层语言用法,知名大厨杰米.奥利佛把其个人推动的学校营养午餐称为「Jamie’s School Dinners」。【#65 Lunch 午餐】

因应时代和时事,语言会产生合成词或混合字,创造新词:合成词「spork」(叉勺)指的是具备spoon(汤匙)和fork(叉子)功能的新餐具;混合字Brangellina(布洁莉娜)指的就是我们熟知的小布和安洁莉娜。【#67 Brunch 早午餐】



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《The Story of English in 100 Words》-PDF MOBI EPUB Kindle 电子书下载 – David Crystal audiobook download 有声书下载 用100字串起英语的历史-小而美应用

《The Story of English in 100 Words》截图(点击放大)

读者评论 Readers\’ Comments

真正的语言大师写词源都妙趣横生!!继On Writing Well 之后近期读到的第二本让我倾倒不已的英语语言写作类书籍。做为睡前读物,实在是太合适了,可以随时拿起随时放下!一共100章,一章讲一个(类)词,对英语作为一门语言有了更深的了解,甚至融会贯通地对汉语也更理解了,大力推荐!\”When we explore the history of words, we find a window into society\”. PS 有很多各国词汇对比的,深深感叹我已经完全是美式英语了。


\”When we explore the history of words, we find a window into society\”.


原来法律英语中很多的名词组合是为了照顾不同语言的法律条文(英语、法语和拉丁语);原来 debt 里面不发音的 b 是为了增加单词的拉丁感,很有趣的一本小册子~

要是我们背单词的书写的也这么好,何苦之前那么费劲地记单词呢? 这本书讲了很多单词的源流和一些造词法,不仅适合英语专业的,其他的想要增加词汇量或者了解词语形成过程的同学,也可以看看,这本书科普地超级亲民!


凭良心讲,看这本书需要对英语世界一定的知识储备,看有些词的时候不得不把Google/urban dictionary放在一边,奈何它的魅力实在太大lol会二刷三刷的~~希望以后有机会能把里面的一些故事融汇到自己的课堂上That’s the charm of English learning!

作者 Author

David Crystal · 大卫.克里斯托

David Crystal works from his home in Holyhead, North Wales, as a writer, editor, lecturer, and broadcaster. Born in Lisburn, Northern Ireland in 1941, he spent his early years in Holyhead. His family moved to Liverpool in 1951, and he received his secondary schooling at St Mary\’s College. He read English at University College London (1959-62), specialised in English language studies, did some research there at the Survey of English Usage under Randolph Quirk (1962-3), then joined academic life as a lecturer in linguistics, first at Bangor, then at Reading. He published the first of his 100 or so books in 1964, and became known chiefly for his research work in English language studies, in such fields as intonation and stylistics, and in the application of linguistics to religious, esrccational and clinical contexts, notably in the development of a range of linguistic profiling techniques for diagnostic and therapeutic purposes. He held a chair at the University of Reading for 10 years, and is now Honorary Professor of Linguistics at the University of Wales, Bangor. These days he divides his time between work on language and work on internet applications.


英国威尔斯大学班戈分校(University of Wales, Bangor)语言学荣誉教授



  • 《剑桥语言百科全书》(Cambridge Encyclopedia of Language)
  • 《剑桥英语语言百科全书》(Cambridge Encyclopedia of the English Language)
  • 《新版企鹅百科全书》(New Penguin Encyclopedia)


  • 《The fight for English》
  • 《Think on my words: an introsrcction to Shakespeare’s language》
  • 《Txting: the gr8 db8》
  • 《By hook or by crook: a journey in search of English》
  • 《A little book of language》
  • 《Evolving English: one language, many voices》
  • 《Begat: the King James Bible and the English language》
  • 《Internet linguistics》
  • 《Just a phrase I’m going through: my life in language》


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