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《Wild Problems – A Guide to the Decisions That Define Us》
简介 Intro
《Wild Problems: A Guide to the Decisions That Define Us》—— Russ Roberts
From the host of EconTalk, a guide to decision-making when you can\’t crunch the numbers
Algorithms and apps analyze data and tell you how to beat the traffic, what books to buy, what music to listen to, and even who to date—often with great results. But what do you do when you face the big decisions of life—the \”wild problems\” of who to marry, whether to have children, where to move, how to forge a life well-lived—that can’t be solved by measurement or calculation?
In Wild Problems, beloved host of EconTalk Russ Roberts offers puzzled rationalists a way to address these wild problems. He suggests spending less time and energy on the path that promises the most happiness, and more time on figuring out who you actually want to be. He draws on the experience of great artists, writers, and scientists of the past who found creative ways to navigate life’s biggest questions. And he lays out strategies for resrccing the fear and the loss of control that inevitably come when a wild problem requires a leap in the dark.
Ultimately, Roberts asks us to see ourselves and our lives less as a problem to be solved than a mystery to be experienced. There\’s no right decision waiting to be uncovered by an app or rational analysis. Reality is harder than that and, perhaps, a little more interesting.
关键词:Wild Problems;野性难题:定义人生的决策指南;
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读以前以为是启发心灵的心理学书,读毕发现是一本没有功利主义没有太多实用建议的偏“哲学”的书。 这本书讲的是,不像一些有他人先验经验或者通过查地图、收集数据通过计算或pro-con list比较可解的情况,有些问题不亲自去做就不能得到答案,但是一旦做了就再回不到过去,作者称之为vampire problem。比如是否婚育、是否移民、是否要做某类职业。这些问题就是所谓的“Wild Problem”。无可请教获得确定答案且因人而异。 那怎么办呢?其实作者也没有给出实用建议,他说就像爬大山,虽前途未知,但苦中有乐,过程中获得成长,内心充盈。 面临wild problem,唯一能做的就是听从内心,如果认可自己是什么样的人,就从自身价值观出发做出选择。
万维刚精英日课5解读 野生问题三特点: 1你对选择的结果没有充分的想象,你不知道每个选项意味着什么; 2你不知道这次选择会把你变成什么,你不知道改变之后的你,又会怎样评估那个选项; 3有些追求比日常的幸福感更重要,称之为繁荣 四个达到繁荣的方法:首先要从身份认同角度去考虑问题;其次是找个伙伴跟你一起探索繁荣;第三是在跟伙伴和其他人相处的时候,要甘当配角,珍惜互动的过程;第四是讲原则 r策略:当你面对很多选项而又不知道每个选项到底是怎么回事的时候,应该多尝试亲自去体验 K策略:精心养育一个事情。认准了一个东西,就不满足于对它浅尝辄止,你希望亲手把它做大、做繁荣 r策略是机会主义,K策略则力求稳定和控制。从r策略转型到K策略,才是你成熟的时候。但是你又不能太成熟——你还得保留开放性和可塑性
经济学家Russ Robert 对“如何做重大决定”问题的建议和方法论。作者对传统的损益分析持批判态度,认为定指标、收集数据、做优化是处理平淡问题(tamed problem)的方法,此方法基于经济学的理性人假设,不适用解决野性问题(Wild problem )。现实中的野性问题往往使人无法保持理性,所处情况常常复杂多变。作者指出“正确选择”是不存在的,我们应当多去尝试,正确面对机会成本和沉默成本,学会回归本我、不忘初心,让内心来决定我们想成为什么样的人,拥有什么样的人生,并重唤内心的生机(flourishing)。作者使用了多大量例子来佐证,但此书方法论并不直观,更像人生哲学的书。附上数学家写的《Don\’t Trust Your Gut: Using Data》与其意见相左,可以一起读。
作者 Author
Russ Roberts
Russ Roberts is the president of Shalem College in Jerusalem and the John and Jean De Nault Research Fellow at Stanford University’s Hoover Institution. He hosts the award-winning weekly podcast EconTalk, in which he distills economic concepts with guests such as Michael Lewis, Jill Lepore, Angela Duckworth, Christopher Hitchens, and Nassim Nicholas Taleb. He is the author of five books, including Gambling with Other People’s Money and How Adam Smith Can Change Your Life, and cocreator of the Keynes-Hayek rap videos, which have been viewed more than 12 million times on YouTube. He received his PhD from the University of Chicago.
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