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The Gap and The Gain: The High Achievers Guide to Happiness, Confidence, and Success-PDF MOBI EPUB Kindle 电子书下载 – Dan Sullivan / Dr. Benjamin Hardy audiobook download 有声书下载

《The Gap and The Gain The High Achievers Guide to Happiness, Confidence, and Success》

简介 Intro

《The Gap and The Gain: The High Achievers\’ Guide to Happiness, Confidence, and Success》—— Dan Sullivan / Dr. Benjamin Hardy

As he did in Who Not How, Dr. Benjamin Hardy shares one of Dan Sullivan\’s simple yet profound teachings that until now has been known only to his Strategic Coach clients: unsuccessful people focus on \”The Gap\”, but successful people focus on \”The Gain\”.

\”[T]his one simple concept is a masterclass on positive psychology, healthy relationships, mental well-being, and high-performance. Everything that psychologists know about how to create a high-functioning and successful person can be achieved using The GAP and the GAIN.\” (Dr. Benjamin Hardy)

Most people, especially highly ambitious people, are unhappy because of how they measure their progress. We all have an \”ideal\”, a moving target that is always out of reach. When we measure ourselves against that ideal, we\’re in \”the gap\”. However, when we measure ourselves against our previous selves, we\’re in \”the gain\”.

That is where the gap and the gain concept comes in. It was developed by legendary entrepreneur coach Dan Sullivan and is based on his work with tens of thousands of successful entrepreneurs. When Dan\’s coaching clients periodically take stock of all that they\’ve accomplished – both personally and professionally – they are often shocked at how much they have actually achieved. They weren\’t able to appreciate their progress because no matter how much they were getting done, they were usually measuring themselves against their ideals or goals.

In this book you will learn that measuring your current self vs. your former self has enormous psychological benefits. And that\’s really the key to this deceptively simple yet multilayered concept that will have you feeling good, feeling grateful, and feeling like you are making progress even when times are tough, which will in turn will bolster motivation, confidence, and future success.

If you\’re finding that happiness eludes you no matter how much you\’ve achieved, then learning this easy mindset shift will set you on a life-changing path to greater fulfillment and success.

关键词:The Gap and The Gain;差距与收获:高成就者通往幸福、自信和成功的指南;

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读者评论 Readers\’ Comments

这周通勤路上的audiobook。Benjamin Hardy是要成为鸡汤写作的王者吗?但他的写作真的还蛮流畅,同是鸡汤,别的就咽不太下去。演讲风格我也蛮喜欢,可能因为语速快,表达也清晰畅快,是我想成为的那种人。只比我大三岁,人家已经有六个娃,且给别人指导人生了……


还可以 让人换个思维对待自己的目标和态度

I read a lot of books and this is the best book I have read this year, possibly in the last 5 years. As a highly driven entrepreneur, this book is already helping me in business, but also in my marriage, being a dad and in my church. Thank you Ben and Dan!

作者 Author

Dan Sullivan / Dr. Benjamin Hardy

Dan Sullivan is the world\’s foremost expert on entrepreneurship and has coached more successful entrepreneurs than anyone on the planet. He is the co-founder of Strategic Coach®, the leading entrepreneurial coaching program in the world, and author of more than 50 publications on entrepreneurial success. Over the past 30+ years, Strategic Coach has provided teaching and training to more than 20,000 entrepreneurs. He is the co-author, along with Dr. Benjamin Hardy, of Who Not How and The Gap and the Gain.

Dr. Benjamin Hardy is an organizational psychologist and best-selling author of Willpower Doesn\’t Work and Personality Isn\’t Permanent. Together, he and Dan Sullivan have written Who Not How and The Gap and the Gain. His blogs have been read by over 100 million people and featured in the Harvard Business Review, the New York Times, on CNBC, among many others. He and his wife Lauren are the parents of six children. They live in Orlando.



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