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What Do You Want Out of Life
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《What Do You Want Out of Life?: A Philosophical Guide to Figuring Out What Matters》—— Valerie Tiberius
This audiobook narrated by Kelly Burke offers a short guide to living well by understanding better what you really value—and what to do when your goals conflict.
What do you want out of life? To make a lot of money—or work for justice? To run marathons—or sing in a choir? To have children—or travel the world? The things we care about in life—family, friendship, leisure activities, work, our moral ideals—often conflict, preventing us from doing what matters most to us. Even worse, we don’t always know what we really want, or how to define success. Blending personal stories, philosophy, and psychology, this insightful and entertaining book offers invaluable advice about living well by understanding your values and resolving the conflicts that frustrate their fulfillment.
Valerie Tiberius introsrcces you to a way of thinking about your goals that enables you to reflect on them effectively throughout your life. She illustrates her approach with vivid examples, many of which are drawn from her own life, ranging from the silly to the serious, from shopping to navigating prejudice. Throughout, the book emphasizes the importance of interconnectedness, reminding us of the profound influence other people have on our lives, our goals, and how we should pursue them. At the same time, the book offers strategies for coping with obstacles to realizing your goals, including gender bias and other kinds of discrimination.
Whether you are changing jobs, rethinking your priorities, or reconsidering your whole life path, What Do You Want Out of Life? is an essential guide to helping you understand what really matters to you and how you can thoughtfully pursue it.
关键词:What Do You Want Out of Life;你想从生活中得到什么?:找出重要事物的哲学指南;
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读者评论 Readers\’ Comments
Very thought-provoking and interesting read. Something I wish I could have read when I was a teenager or even college student and had no idea where I was going or what I was going to do with my life. Aligning your goals with your values seems to obvious. But, as she discusses, it can also be hard when conflicts arise.
I really like this quick, interesting, philosophical and very introspective book. Thank you to my doctor for getting this for me, I really enjoyed it.
作者 Author
Valerie Tiberius
Valerie Tiberius is the Paul W. Frenzel Chair in Liberal Arts and professor of philosophy at the University of Minnesota. Her books include Well-Being as Value Fulfillment: How We Can Help Each Other to Live Well and The Reflective Life: Living Wisely with Our Limits. She lives in Minneapolis.
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