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英文原版:《Trillion Dollar Triage: How Jay Powell and the Fed Battled a President and a Pandemic – and Prevented Economic Disaster》PDF MOBI EPUB
英文有声书:《Trillion Dollar Triage》 Narrated by: Nick Timiraos, Peter Ganim · Length: 12 hrs and 33 mins
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《Trillion Dollar Triage – How Jay Powell and the Fed Battled a President and a Pandemic – and Prevented Economic Disaster》
简介 Intro
《Trillion Dollar Triage: How Jay Powell and the Fed Battled a President and a Pandemic – and Prevented Economic Disaster》—— Nick Timiraos
The inside story, told with “insight, perspective, and stellar reporting,” of how an unassuming civil servant created trillions of dollars from thin air, combatted a public health crisis, and saved the American economy from a second Great Depression (Alan S. Blinder, former Vice Chair of the Federal Reserve).
By February 2020, the U.S. economic expansion had become the longest on record. Unemployment was plumbing half-century lows. Stock markets soared to new highs. One month later, the public health battle against a deadly virus had pushed the economy into the equivalent of a medically insrcced coma. America’s workplaces—offices, shops, malls, and factories—shuttered. Many of the nation’s largest employers and tens of thousands of small businesses faced ruin. Over 22 million American jobs were lost. The extreme uncertainty led to some of the largest daily drops ever in the stock market.
Nick Timiraos, the Wall Street Journal’s chief economics correspondent, draws on extensive interviews to detail the tense meetings, late night phone calls, and crucial video conferences behind the largest, swiftest U.S. economic policy response since World War II. Trillion Dollar Triage goes inside the Federal Reserve, one of the country’s most important and least understood institutions, to chronicle how its plainspoken chairman, Jay Powell, unleashed an unprecedented monetary barrage to keep the economy on life support. With the bleeding stemmed, the Fed faced a new challenge: How to nurture a recovery without unleashing an inflation-fueling, bubble-blowing money bomb?
Trillion Dollar Triage is the definitive, gripping history of a creative and unprecedented battle to shield the American economy from the twin threats of a public health disaster and economic crisis. Economic theory and policy will never be the same.
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读者评论 Readers\’ Comments
总觉得像在看剧本。不过有几点对于理解政策制定和政策结果颇有帮助: (1)美联储财政部很难保持“独立”,尤其是美国这样的政治制度下更是如此。 (2)指责的人总是比干事的人多;任何决定,都有人不满。 (3)经济指标常常失灵,因为有很多时候,“人”的主观反映会影响结果,但人的行为是无法预测的。 (4)即便是美联储和财政部,也是摸着石头过河。 可见,每一个决定本身存在很多限制,不能苛求一定奏效。但务必是独立思考的结果。所以鲍威尔说“I’d rather go in the books as a terrible Fed chair than as somebody who knuckled under”(我宁愿作为一个糟糕的美联储主席出现在书中,而不是一个屈服的人)。
好想看啊 不知道什么时候有中文版
I enjoyed this book. The author is right basically saying the Federal Reserve did most of the work in this crisis. The understaffing of Treasury between 2017-2020 was a mistake. The Treasury’s reason for understaffing or “light staff” as they put it, was to save money but it didn’t save any real money and just increased the risk for Treasury.
here\’s a clear political skew in the author\’s messaging, but the story is well-captured. I especially enjoyed the chapter on Fed\’s history
作者 Author
Nick Timiraos
Nick Timiraos is the chief economics correspondent for The Wall Street Journal, where he covers the Federal Reserve and U.S. economic policy. He joined the Journal in 2006 and previously wrote about the U.S. housing bust and the 2008 election. He is a grasrcate of Georgetown University and lives with his family in Washington, D.C.