《美国大学英语写作(第九版)》 PDF电子书下载-COLLEGE Writing Skills With Readings (Ninth Edition)-小而美应用(美国大学英语教材) (《美国大学
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《美国大学英语写作(第九版)》(COLLEGE Writing Skills With Readings Ninth Edition)——[美] John Langan
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[美] John Langan
John Langan has taught reading and writing at Atlantic Cape Com-munity College near Atlantic City, New Jersey, for more than twenty-five years. The author of a popular series of college textbooks on both writing and reading, John enjoys the challenge of developing materials that teach skills in an especially clear and lively way. Before teaching, he earned advanced degrees in writing at Rutgers University and in reading at Rowan University. He also spent a year writing fiction that,he says, \”is now at the back of a drawer waiting to be discovered and acclaimed posthumously.\” While in school, he supported himself by working as a truck driver, a machinist, a battery assembler, a hospital attendant, and an apple packer. John now lives with his wife, Judith Nadell, near Philadelphia. In addition to his wife and Philly sports teams, his passions include reading and turning on nonreaders to the pleasure and power of books. Through Townsend Press, his esrccational publishing company, he has developed the nonprofit \”Townsend Library\”–a collection of more than thirty new and classic stories that appeal to readers of any age.
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