《The Institute》 – Stephen King · 斯蒂芬·金 – 异能研究所 – 机构 Audiobook 有声书 –
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英文原版:《The Institute》PDF MOBI EPUB 格式电子书
英文有声书:《The Institute》 Narrated by: Santino Fontana · Length: 18 hrs and 59 mins
中文简体:《异能研究所》PDF MOBI EPUB 格式电子书
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封面 Cover
- 《The Institute》
- 《异能研究所》
简介 Intro
<The Institute>《异能研究所》—— Stephen King / 斯蒂芬·金
A 2020 Thriller/Suspense Audie Award winner!
A New York Times 100 Notable Books of 2019 selection
From number one New York Times best-selling author Stephen King, the most riveting and unforgettable story of kids confronting evil since It.
“This is King at his best” (The St. Louis Post-Dispatch).
In the middle of the night, in a house on a quiet street in suburban Minneapolis, intruders silently murder Luke Ellis\’ parents and load him into a black SUV. The operation takes less than two minutes. Luke will wake up at The Institute, in a room that looks just like his own, except there\’s no window. And outside his door are other doors, behind which are other kids with special talents – telekinesis and telepathy – who got to this place the same way Luke did: Kalisha, Nick, George, Iris, and 10-year-old Avery Dixon. They are all in Front Half. Others, Luke learns, grasrcated to Back Half, \”like the roach motel,\” Kalisha says. \”You check in, but you don\’t check out.\”
In this most sinister of institutions, the director, Mrs. Sigsby, and her staff are ruthlessly dedicated to extracting from these children the force of their extranormal gifts. There are no scruples here. If you go along, you get tokens for the vending machines. If you don\’t, punishment is brutal. As each new victim disappears to Back Half, Luke becomes more and more desperate to get out and get help. But no one has ever escaped from the Institute.
As psychically terrifying as Firestarter, and with the spectacular kid power of It, The Institute is “is another winner: creepy and touching and horrifyingly believable, all at once” (The Boston Globe).
- ♚全能故事大师斯蒂芬·金全新长篇小说♚
- ♚继《肖胜克的救赎》后,再一次的越狱题材♚
- 【内容简介】
- 卢克是个天赋异禀的男孩,不仅智商超群,情商也相当不凡。12岁时,他就轻松地拿到了麻省理工学院和爱默生学院的入学许可。
- 一个普通的午夜,不速之客突然闯入卢克家位于明尼阿波利斯市郊的僻静公寓,杀掉卢克的父母,并劫走了他。全程不过两分钟。
- 卢克醒来后,发现自己身处一个神秘机构。和他关在一起的,还有埃弗里、卡丽莎、尼克、海伦等十几个小孩。这些孩子来自全国各地,都有一些特异能力:心灵致动或心灵感应。起初,管理人员会肆无忌惮地拿他们做人体实验。不出三周,等孩子们的异能被榨取得所剩无几时,他们就会被抛弃到像是蟑螂旅馆的后半区。孩子们一面不堪折磨,一面也不甘心任人摆布。眼看着身边的伙伴一个个消失,最要好的几个小生命紧紧相依,鼓起勇气偷偷帮卢克成功出逃。
- 谁知卢克一脚踏出狼窝,一脚又近了虎口。他发现,研究所的眼线竟然遍布全国。而自己早已成了枪杀父母的通缉重犯。他一面小心躲藏,一面不得不努力坚强起来,在来势汹汹的复杂现实中左冲右突……
- 【编辑推荐】
- ◆故事大师斯蒂芬·金最擅长的越狱题材。全新重磅小说!
- 《冰与火之歌》作者乔治·马丁惊呼:“这位王者又一次大获成功!”
- ◆一个天才男孩的越狱奇迹。一个关于善对抗恶、小孩对抗大人的故事;
- 每个渺小的生命都可以很强大!比《肖申克的救赎》更燃,也更扣人心弦!
- 斯蒂芬·金:“我想用这本小说驱散人们心中的恐惧,而不是制造恐惧。”
- ◆国外读者口碑炸裂!上市1年,14万多Goodreads读者打出好评,美亚更罕见高达4.7分!
- ◆多项大奖:Goodreads年度小说、《出版商周刊》《纽约时报》年度小说,轨迹奖、英国奇幻文学奖提名。
- ◆中文版由《教父》《漫长的告别》译者姚向辉翻译,地道呈现。
- ◆同名剧集即将上线!《迷失》导演、《大小谎言》编剧联袂制作;
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读者评论 Readers\’ Comments
无疑是金爷2010年代最好看的一本,友情感天动地(literally),有难以名状的恶也有地狱中的一丝善念,甚至有金爷罕见的die hard风动作戏(虽说写得一般,但看着挺解气的),2019年度goodreads恐怖类最佳实至名归。
还是老金的书看起来带劲,节奏文笔俱佳。Luke逃亡那一段写得太惊心动魄了,简直放不下来,一口气读完。书中有一两处暗讽Trump,川粉怒了,纷纷在亚马逊书评区一星差评,我只能说老金,Good Job
作者 Author
Stephen King / 斯蒂芬·金
Stephen King is the author of more than fifty books, all of them worldwide bestsellers. His first crime thriller featuring Bill Hodges, MR MERCEDES, won the Edgar Award for best novel and was shortlisted for the CWA Gold Dagger Award. Both MR MERCEDES and END OF WATCH received the Goodreads Choice Award for the Best Mystery and Thriller of 2014 and 2016 respectively. King co-wrote the bestselling novel Sleeping Beauties with his son Owen King, and many of King\’s books have been turned into celebrated films and television series including The Shawshank Redemption, Gerald\’s Game and It. King was the recipient of America\’s prestigious 2014 National Medal of Arts and the 2003 National Book Foundation Medal for distinguished contribution to American Letters. In 2007 he also won the Grand Master Award from the Mystery Writers of America. He lives with his wife Tabitha King in Maine.
- 1947年生于美国缅因州波特兰市,后在缅因州州立大学学习英语文学。1973年出版第一部长篇小说《魔女嘉莉》,随即大获成功。迄今已出版四十多部长篇小说和两百多篇短篇小说,代表作有《肖申克的救赎》《它》《重生》《守夜》等,被《时代》周刊誉为“无可争议的惊悚小说大师”。有超过百部影视作品取材或改编自他的小说。他2003年获美国国家图书基金会颁发的“杰出贡献奖”,2004年获“世界奇幻文学奖”的“终身成就奖”,2007年获美国推理作家协会“爱伦·坡奖”的“大师奖”。
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