Doing Justice: A Prosecutors Thoughts on Crime, Punishment, and the Rule of Law – Preet Bharar
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英文原版:《Doing Justice: A Prosecutor\’s Thoughts on Crime, Punishment, and the Rule of Law》PDF MOBI EPUB 格式电子书
英文有声书:《Doing Justice》 Narrated by: Preet Bharara · Length: 10 hrs and 32 mins
中文简体:《正义之殇:美国检察官反思犯罪、处罚与法治》PDF MOBI EPUB 格式电子书
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封面 Cover
- 《Doing Justice – A Prosecutors Thoughts on Crime, Punishment, and the Rule of Law》
- 《正义之殇:美国检察官反思犯罪、处罚与法治》
简介 Intro
<Doing Justice: A Prosecutor\’s Thoughts on Crime, Punishment, and the Rule of Law>《正义之殇:美国检察官反思犯罪、处罚与法治》—— Preet Bharara · 普里特•巴拉拉
A New York Times best seller
An important overview of the way our justice system works, and why the rule of law is essential to our survival as a society – from the one-time federal prosecutor for the Southern District of New York, and host of the Doing Justice podcast.
Preet Bharara has spent much of his life examining our legal system, pushing to make it better, and prosecuting those looking to subvert it. Bharara believes in our system and knows it must be protected, but to do so, he argues, we must also acknowledge and allow for flaws both in our justice system and in human nature.
Bharara uses the many illustrative anecdotes and case histories from his storied, formidable career – the successes as well as the failures – to shed light on the realities of the legal system and the consequences of taking action.
Inspiring and inspiringly written, Doing Justice gives us hope that rational and objective fact-based thinking, combined with compassion, can help us achieve truth and justice in our daily lives. Sometimes poignant and sometimes controversial, Bharara\’s expose is a thought-provoking, entertaining book about the need to find the humanity in our legal system as well as in our society.
- 普里特•巴拉拉,被称为 “击溃华尔街的人”。他经手过诸多充满争议的重大案件,精彩得有如一部美国律政剧,包括集体诈领退休金、对冲基金富豪主导的美国史上最大一起内幕交易案、纽约州前众议院议长贪腐案等。
- 但在强硬的外表青后,巴拉拉是一个正直、诚实、热情的人。他严格的司法态度由这样一和信念所驱动:尽管美国是一个法治国家,但正义并不单纯存在于法律条文之中,它更存在于解释和执行这此法律的人的思想和心灵中。巴拉拉在这本用几十年的经验写成的书中,以一个个生动的秦例,向读者展现司法实践的真实而貌,同时讨论了价值观和心态在他评估、调查和起诉过程中发挥的重要作用。透过复尜的案件,他带我们一起恩考.正义到底意味着什么,正义在真实生活和案例中可以变得何等复杂,怎样才叫作伸张正义,以及他是如何将自己关于正义的理念付诸实践的。
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读者评论 Readers\’ Comments
写的太好了,希望3L能和Preet上课。从调查到推荐punishment梳理了检察官在司法体系中的作用(也是个crim review….),中间穿插各个优秀的探员和AUSA的故事还有惊心动魄的案件。法学院上久了很容易越来越cynical,忘记法治还有正义的重要性忘记法律究竟为了什么存在,感觉各种technicalities似乎仅仅存在在真空中。今天3L毕业典礼看完这本好被inspired,虽然从没想过像很多同学一样做各种reform,但是还是希望能做正确的事,做对社会有用的人。
充满温情的一本书。法律是伟大的工具,但doing justice 的,最终还是人。
best reading for the year预定. 想写的和Preet一样好,做的和Preet一样好. Do the right thing, in the right way, for the right reasons.
热血沸腾!由几个浅显易懂的案例向大众娓娓道来作为prosecutor究竟意味着什么 真正的好书应是没什么门槛的 Preet就做到了 印象最深刻莫过于美国司法机构是独立于其它各个部门的 权利集中在单一部门/个人肯定是经不起考验的 行使正义/邪恶的永远是人 而不是法律本身 美国已是世界上数一数二的法治社会了 但毕竟还是由人组成的 人总难免犯错 连法治社会都能敲响警钟 我们呢
被川普炒了鱿鱼的US attorney在丢了工作以后写了这本书。读这本书就能感觉到Preet一定是个好的辩护律师,叙事能力,逻辑演绎,文笔都一流。这本书不仅是对美国刑事司法体系的反思,对职场领导力也颇有见解。最重要的是不白左。
作者 Author
Preet Bharara · 普里特•巴拉拉
Preet Bharara served as U.S. Attorney for the Southern District of New York from 2009 to 2017. Bharara oversaw the investigation and litigation of all criminal and civil cases and supervised an office of over 200 Assistant U.S. Attorneys, who handled cases involving terrorism, narcotics and arms trafficking, financial and healthcare fraud, cybercrime, public corruption, gang violence, organized crime, and civil rights violations. The New York Times srcbbed Bharara one of “the nation’s most aggressive and outspoken prosecutors.” In 2017, Bharara joined the NYU School of Law faculty as a Distinguished Scholar in Residence. He is the Executive Vice President of Some Spider Studios and the host of CAFE’s Stay Tuned with Preet, a podcast focused on issues of justice and fairness. Bharara grasrcated magna cum laude from Harvard College and from Columbia Law School, where he was a member of the law review.
- 以全A的优异成绩毕业于哈佛大学和哥伦比亚大学法学院,拥有法学博士学位。2009年巴拉拉被奥巴马任命为纽约南区联邦检察官,在2009年至2017年间,他监理辖区内所有刑事与民事犯罪的调查及诉讼,其主管的部门有两百多名美国联邦助理检察官,所处理的案件涉及恐饰袭击、毒品与军火走私、金融与健康保险诈欺、网络犯罪、公职人员贪渎、帮派暴力、组织犯罪,以及侵犯民权等。巴拉拉以对政治腐败案件持强硬态皮着称,《纽约时报》称他是 “全美最积极打击犯罪和直言不讳的检察官”。
- 2012年,巴拉拉登上《时代》周刊封面,并被《彭博市场杂志》评为 “影响世界的50人”之一。他连续两年登上《名利场》“新贵榜”(2012年-2013年 ) ,并被《价值》杂志连续五年评选为“金融领域最具影响力的100人”。
- 2017年,巴拉拉被特朗普突然解聘。其后,他作为杰出学者加人纽约大学法学院。