Wired for Story: The Writers Guide to Using Brain Science to Hook Readers from the Very First Senten
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英文原版:《Wired for Story: The Writer\’s Guide to Using Brain Science to Hook Readers from the Very First Sentence》PDF MOBI EPUB 格式电子书
英文有声书:《Wired for Story》 Narrated by: Wendy Tremont King · Length: 9 hrs and 10 mins
中文简体:《你能写出好故事:写作的诀窍、大脑的奥秘、认知的陷阱》扫描版本 PDF 文件
中文简体:《写作脑科学:如何写出打动人心的故事》PDF MOBI EPUB 格式电子书
本书中文简体译名为《写作脑科学:如何写出打动人心的故事》、《你能写出好故事 : 写作的诀窍、大脑的奥秘、认知的陷阱》,中文繁体译名为《大小说家如何唬了你?:一句话就拐走大脑的情节制作术》
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封面 Cover
- 《Wired for Story – The Writers Guide to Using Brain Science to Hook Readers from the Very First Sentence》
- 《你能写出好故事:写作的诀窍、大脑的奥秘、认知的陷阱》
简介 Intro
<Wired for Story: The Writer\’s Guide to Using Brain Science to Hook Readers from the Very First Sentence>《写作脑科学:如何写出打动人心的故事》—— 丽萨·克龙(Lisa Cron)
This guide reveals how writers can utilize cognitive storytelling strategies to craft stories that ignite readers’brains and captivate them through each plot element.
Imagine knowing what the brain craves from every tale it encounters, what fuels the success of any great story, and what keeps readers transfixed. Wired for Story reveals these cognitive secrets—and it’s a game-changer for anyone who has ever set pen to paper.
The vast majority of writing advice focuses on “writing well” as if it were the same as telling a great story. This is exactly where many aspiring writers fail—they strive for beautiful metaphors, authentic dialogue, and interesting characters, losing sight of the one thing that every engaging story must do: ignite the brain’s hardwired desire to learn what happens next. When writers tap into the evolutionary purpose of story and electrify our curiosity, it triggers a delicious dopamine rush that tells us to pay attention. Without it, even the most perfect prose won’t hold anyone’s interest.
Backed by recent breakthroughs in neuroscience as well as examples from novels, screenplays, and short stories, Wired for Story offers a revolutionary look at story as the brain experiences it. Each chapter zeroes in on an aspect of the brain, its corresponding revelation about story, and the way to apply it to your storytelling right now.
- 大脑在其接触到的每一个故事中寻求什么?是什么造就了一个好故事的成功?又是什么吸引得读者欲罢不能?设想一下这些问题的答案你都知道!《你能写出好故事》向我们披露了这些认知奥秘——对任何曾执笔写作的人而言,它就是扭转乾坤的法宝。
- “写得好”不等于“故事讲得好”。一个成功的作者必须做到的是:激发大脑渴望得知接下去会发生什么的天性。相比一味追求美妙的修辞、逼真的对白、有趣的人物,挖掘出故事的进化意义引起读者的好奇心,触发他们内心的快感和对故事的关注才是最重要的。
- 《你能写出好故事》以脑神经科学领域的最新突破以及来源于小说、剧本和短篇故事的诸多实例为支撑,以大脑的体验为切入点,用革命性的视角对故事进行剖析。锁定大脑的认知特性,告诉读者如何写出最吸引人的故事。
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读者评论 Readers\’ Comments
Love the sentence: Memories are continually revised, along with the meaning we derived from them, so that in the future they’ll be of even more use.
作者 Author
丽萨·克龙(Lisa Cron)
Lisa Cron is the author of Wired for Story, Story Genius, and Story or Die. Her TEDx talk, Wired for Story, opened Furman University’s 2014 TEDx conference, Stories: The Common Thread of Our Humanity. Lisa has worked in publishing at W.W. Norton and John Muir Publications, as an agent at the Angela Rinaldi Literary Agency, as a prosrccer on shows for Showtime and Court TV, and as a story consultant for Warner Brothers and the William Morris Agency. Since 2006, she’s been an instructor in the UCLA Extension Writers’ Program, and she has been on the faculty of the School of Visual Arts MFA Program in Visual Narrative in New York City. Lisa is frequent speaker at writing workshops, universities, and schools, and in her work as a story coach she helps writers, journalists, esrccators, business leaders, social justice advocates, and change makers master the unparalleled power of story. She can be reached at www.wiredforstory.com. Follow her on Twitter @lisacron
- 毕业于加州大学伯克利分校,在出版业工作过十年,之后转入电视行业。从事过诸多工作,一直担任“法庭频道”和“作秀时间”栏目主管制片人,纽约华纳兄弟电影公司、洛杉矶威秀电影公司等的故事顾问。
- 丽萨在《行家解惑:电影剧本创作》(孤鹰出版社,2004)一书中起着重要作用。她的作品曾发表在故事新秀网及《哈芬顿邮报》上,并在纽约市的第七十八街剧场展演。在洛杉矶的三S、我爱猜字、疯狂猜字及化在你嘴里(她合拍的月度个人作品系列)等节目中也多次出现。多年来,她从未间断过一对一地帮助作者、制片人和代理人开发新的书籍和影片。此外,丽萨还担任过安吉拉•里纳尔迪文学代理公司的代理人。
- 现在,她是加州大学洛杉矶分校写作项目的教员,和丈夫居住在加利福尼亚州的圣塔莫尼卡市。
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