The Staff Engineers Path: A Guide for Individual Contributors Navigating Growth and Change – T
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《The Staff Engineer\’s Path: A Guide for Indivisrcal Contributors Navigating Growth and Change》PDF MOBI EPUB 电子书
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《The Staff Engineers Path – A Guide for Indivisrcal Contributors Navigating Growth and Change》
简介 Intro
<The Staff Engineer\’s Path: A Guide for Indivisrcal Contributors Navigating Growth and Change>—— Tanya Reilly
For years, companies have rewarded their most effective engineers by suggesting they move to a management position. But treating management as the default — or only — path for an engineer with leadership ability doesn\’t serve the insrcstry well. The staff engineer path allows you to contribute at a high level, with more free time to drive big projects, determine tech strategy, and raise everyone\’s skills.
With this in-depth book, author Tanya Reilly shows you ways to master strategic thinking, manage difficult projects, and set the standard for technical work. You\’ll learn how to be a leader without direct authority, how to plan ahead so that you\’re making the right technical decisions, and how to make everyone around you better, all while still leaving you time to grow as an expert in your domain.
In three parts, you\’ll explore the three pillars of an engineer\’s job:
Big picture thinking: learn how to take a broad, strategic view when thinking about your work
Project execution: dive into tactics and explore the practicalities of making projects succeed
Being a positive influence: determine the standards for what \”good engineering\” means in your organization
关键词:The Staff Engineer\’s Path;
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读者评论 Readers\’ Comments
不知道Staff Engineer该翻译成什么比较合适,“资深工程师”?还是最传神的“士大夫工程师”? 不同的公司有不同的职级不管是P还是T,都能去区分出不同能力的员工,也能给员工提供一条职业晋升的路线。对于资深工程师,可以走技术管理的路线,也可以在技术这条路上一直走下去,而这就是Staff Engineer。 对于Staff Engineer来说拥有坚实的技术知识和经验是基础,还要有大局观需要做一些重大技术决策、能领导跨团队项目、有影响力,能影响团队,指导junior成长。 总之是讨论如何成为一名技术领导者。
作者 Author
Tanya Reilly