《The Informant: A True Story》 – 库尔特·艾肯沃尔德(Kurt Eichenwald)告密者 –
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英文原版:《The Informant: A True Story》 PDF 格式电子书
封面 Cover
《The Informant – A True Story》
简介 Intro
<The Informant: A True Story>—— 库尔特·艾肯沃尔德(Kurt Eichenwald)
From an award-winning New York Times investigative reporter comes an outrageous story of greed, corruption, and conspiracy—which left the FBI and Justice Department counting on the cooperation of one man . . .
It was one of the FBI\’s biggest secrets: a senior executive with America\’s most politically powerful corporation, Archer Daniels Midland, had become a confidential government witness, secretly recording a vast criminal conspiracy spanning five continents. Mark Whitacre, the promising golden boy of ADM, had put his career and family at risk to wear a wire and deceive his friends and colleagues. Using Whitacre and a small team of agents to tap into the secrets at ADM, the FBI discovered the company\’s scheme to steal millions of dollars from its own customers.
But as the FBI and federal prosecutors closed in on ADM, using stakeouts, wiretaps, and secret recordings of illegal meetings around the world, they suddenly found that everything was not all that it appeared. At the same time Whitacre was cooperating with the Feds while playing the role of loyal company man, he had his own agenda he kept hidden from everyone around him—his wife, his lawyer, even the FBI agents who had come to trust him with the case they had put their careers on the line for. Whitacre became sucked into his own world of James Bond antics, imperiling the criminal case and creating a web of deceit that left the FBI and prosecutors uncertain where the lies stopped and the truth began.
In this gripping account unfolds one of the most captivating and bizarre tales in the history of the FBI and corporate America. Meticulously researched and richly told by New York Times senior writer Kurt Eichenwald, The Informant re-creates the drama of the story, beginning with the secret recordings, stakeouts, and interviews with suspects and witnesses to the power struggles within ADM and its board—including the high-profile chairman Dwayne Andreas, F. Ross Johnson, and Brian Mulroney—to the big-gun Washington lawyers hired by ADM and on up through the ranks of the Justice Department to FBI Director Louis Freeh and Attorney General Janet Reno.
A page-turning real-life thriller that features deadpan FBI agents, crooked executives, idealistic lawyers, and shady witnesses with an addiction to intrigue, The Informant tells an important and compelling story of power and betrayal in America.
关键词:The Informant;
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读者评论 Readers\’ Comments
This book is CRAAAAZZZZZYYYYY good! The author\’s insight and coverage of the entrails of this investigation and the entire story is incredibly impressive.
作者 Author
库尔特·艾肯沃尔德(Kurt Eichenwald)
库尔特•艾肯沃德为《纽约时报》撰稿已超过20 年,同时也是《名利场》特约编辑。
着有畅销书《傻瓜的阴谋》、《告密者》和《岩上毒蛇》等。其中《告密者》曾被《纽约时报》评为“10 年来最杰出的纪实文学作品”,于2009 年被搬上荧幕,男主角马特•戴蒙获金球奖最佳男主角提名;《傻瓜的阴谋》将由莱昂纳多•迪卡普里奥主演,于2013 年上映。
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