《Conspiracy of Fools: A True Story》 – 库尔特•艾肯沃德(Kurt Eichenwald)傻瓜的阴谋 – (conspiracies) (c
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英文原版:《Conspiracy of Fools: A True Story》 PDF MOBI EPUB 格式电子书
由 Robert Schwentke 导演、Leonardo DiCaprio 监制的电影版本《傻瓜的阴谋 Conspiracy of Fools》预计在2030年上映。
封面 Cover
《Conspiracy of Fools – A True Story》
简介 Intro
<Conspiracy of Fools: A True Story>—— 库尔特•艾肯沃德(Kurt Eichenwald)
In 2000, when The Informant was published, few would\’ve imagined that a story about price fixing at Archer Daniels Midland could be as un-put-downable as the best crime fiction. Yet critics—and consumers—agreed: The New York Times reporter Kurt Eichenwald had taken the stuff of dry business reporting and turned it into an unparalleled page-turner. With Conspiracy of Fools, Eichenwald has done it again.
Say the name \”Enron\” and most people believe they\’ve heard all about the story that imperiled a presidency, destroyed a marketplace, and changed Washington and Wall Street forever. But in the hands of Kurt Eichenwald, the players we think we know and the business practices we think have been exposed are transformed into entirely new—and entirely gripping—material. The cast includes but is not limited to George W. Bush, Dick Cheney, Paul O\’Neill, Harvey Pitt, Colin Powell, Gray Davis, Arnold Schwarzenegger, Alan Greenspan, Ken Lay, Andy Fastow, Jeff Skilling, Bill Clinton, Rupert Murdoch, and Michael Eisner. Providing a you-are-there glimpse behind closed doors in the executive suites of the Enron Corporation, the Texas governor\’s mansion, the Justice Department, and even the Oval Office, Conspiracy of Fools is an all-true financial and political thriller of cinematic proportions.
关键词:Conspiracy of Fools;
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读者评论 Readers\’ Comments
That evening everyone felt successful, smart, and richer than they had ever dreamed
Very thorough and interesting account of all the myriad of things that went wrong at Enron and Arthur Anderson. The culture is very familiar to me from my days in big law.
Very easy to read and understand. The author goes to great lengths to explain the mechanism behind the various schemes Enron utilized in order to fake their profits.
Highly recommended.
Very thorough, detailed, and insightful view into the players and actions at Enron and Anderson.
Highly recommend this for anyone interested in financial scandals, corporate greed and legal drama. While not some one especially well-versed in the intricacies of trading, I found the author offered a sufficient level of detail to allow me to understand what Enron execs were doing wrong — while still writing dialogue that was compelling.
作者 Author
库尔特•艾肯沃德(Kurt Eichenwald)
库尔特•艾肯沃德为《纽约时报》撰稿已超过20 年,同时也是《名利场》特约编辑。
着有畅销书《傻瓜的阴谋》、《告密者》和《岩上毒蛇》等。其中《告密者》曾被《纽约时报》评为“10 年来最杰出的纪实文学作品”,于2009 年被搬上荧幕,男主角马特•戴蒙获金球奖最佳男主角提名;《傻瓜的阴谋》将由莱昂纳多•迪卡普里奥主演,于2013 年上映。
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