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The Anarchy: The East India Company, Corporate Violence, and the Pillage of an Empire – Willia

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The Anarchy: The East India Company, Corporate Violence, and the Pillage of an Empire – William Dalrymple – 无政府:东印度公司史 –

《The Anarchy – The East India Company, Corporate Violence, and the Pillage of an Empire》

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《The Anarchy: The East India Company, Corporate Violence, and the Pillage of an Empire》—— William Dalrymple

The story of how the East India Company took over large swaths of Asia, and the devastating results of the corporation running a country.

In August 1765, the East India Company defeated the young Mughal emperor and set up, in his place, a government run by English traders who collected taxes through means of a private army.

The creation of this new government marked the moment that the East India Company ceased to be a conventional company and became something much more unusual: an international corporation transformed into an aggressive colonial power. Over the course of the next 47 years, the company\’s reach grew until almost all of India south of Delhi was effectively ruled from a boardroom in the city of London.

  • 本书讲述了东印度公司在印度的历史。在作者看来,英国征服印度,更准确的说法应该是东印度公司——一个以伦敦某个只有五个窗户的办公室为总部的不受制约的私人公司,来实现的。1600年12月31日,英格兰女王伊丽莎白一世授予该公司王家特许状,给予它在印度贸易的特权。实际上这个特许状给予了它对东印度贸易的垄断权。在100多年的时间里,东印度公司就从一个商业贸易企业变成印度的实际主宰者,不仅从事贸易,还拥有军队,在将势力扩张到整个南亚次大陆后更是对其进行殖民统治。然而,权力变大之后,它对英国的政治体制也进行了侵蚀,特别是英国议会受其影响最大,其中一些正直的议员对其发起了挑战和限制。而在印度,东印度公司的残酷剥削以及对当地宗教信仰和社会文化的漠视,导致于1857年爆发了席卷印度全境的兵变行动,东印度公司的土着部队对该公司倒戈。1858年,它最终被解除行政权力。
  • 本书是一部对商业力量与王权关系的研究之作。它审视了公司如何对政治,以及政治如何对公司施加影响。它也考察了权力和金钱如何滋生腐败,以及商业和殖民化的方式为何以及如何总是步调一致。西方帝国主义和企业资本主义总是一同诞生,且都是现代世界诞生之源。

关键词:The Anarchy;无政府:东印度公司史;威廉·达尔林普尔(Willim Dalrymple);

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这本书阅读的时间跨度比较长 前面几章比较有趣 尤其是EIC一开始的成立和贸易的航海路线

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