Set for Life: Dominate Life, Money, and the American Dream – Scott Trench –
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《Set for Life – Dominate Life, Money, and the American Dream》
简介 Intro
《Set for Life: Dominate Life, Money, and the American Dream》—— Scott Trench
Set yourself up for life as early as possible and enjoy life on your terms!
Are you tied to a nine-to-five workweek? Would you like to “retire” from wage-paying work within ten years? Are you in your 20s or 30s and would like to be financially free―the sort of free that ensures you spend the best part of your day and week, and the best years of your life, doing what you want?
Building wealth is always possible, even while working full-time, earning a median income, and making up for a negative net worth. By layering philosophy with practical knowledge, Set for Life gives young professionals the fiscal confidence they need to conquer financial goals early in life. Accumulating a lifetime of wealth in a short period of time involves working harder and smarter than the average person, and Set for Life demonstrates how to do just that―from zero savings to five figures, then to six figures, and finally to the ultimate goal of financial freedom.
Wealth isn’t just about a nest egg, setting aside money for a “rainy day,” or accumulating an emergency fund. True wealth is about building out a Financial Runway―creating enough readily accessible wealth that you can survive without work for a year. Then five years. Then for life.
Readers will learn how to:
• Save more income―50+ percent of it, while still having fun
• Double or triple your income in three to five years
• Secure “real” assets and avoid “false” ones that destroy wealth
关键词:Set for Life;财富人生:主宰人生、金钱和美国梦的投资理财计划;
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读者评论 Readers\’ Comments
适合年轻人规划买房 已读两天。 //不敢相信,我居然又读完了一本英文书!为自己点赞!
很一般:存钱,买房,买基金, 没有细致的分析和反思,比如买了房子以后要换地方怎么办?买了房子租不出去怎么办?通篇只在说finial freemdom好,但没说什么具体的东西。
有些实操性的建议还行,但是相比其它系统性的关于财商的书,这本就太烂了。大概是博客文章结集的通病,啰嗦!而且超多故弄玄虚吊人胃口的废话,完全是操控情绪的论坛语言,缺乏写书的诚意。而且很多重复内容。更重要的是作者宣扬的完全是一种只有钱没有生活的lifestyle,关于housing, transport, career这些大事上的建议基本没有问题,但是教人不要看剧不要看体育比赛,不要听音乐,只和对自己有用的人出去吃饭,基本不要有任何娱乐活动……出现在我脑海里的就是一个除了自己生活范围5里内的东西啥也不知道啥也聊不起来的超级boring的中年美国白男。可以set for life, 不要set for boring American guy
这本书还有不少启发,其实真希望自己在25岁左右读这本书。算是一本规划的启蒙书。 其实普通人的选择没有那么多,无非是理财,保险,房产。而财富积累真的是条条大路通罗马。没有对错。每个选择都是基于当时的情况,自己的知识储备以及遇到的合作伙伴而作出的。所以,不管什么时候,改善我们的状况,提高知识储备以及识别优秀的合伙人都应该提到日程上。
作者 Author
Scott Trench