《Your Brain at Work: Strategies for Overcoming Distraction, Regaining Focus, and Working Smarter All
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- 《Your Brain at Work Strategies for Overcoming Distraction, Regaining Focus, and Working Smarter All Day Long》
- 《效率脑科学:卓有成效地完成每一项工作》
简介 Intro
《Your Brain at Work: Strategies for Overcoming Distraction, Regaining Focus, and Working Smarter All Day Long》—— 戴维•罗克(David Rock)
A researcher and consultant burrows deep inside the heads of one modern two-career couple to examine how each partner processes the workday—revealing how a more nuanced understanding of the brain can allow us to better organize, prioritize, recall, and sort our daily lives.
Emily and Paul are the parents of two young children, and professionals with different careers. Emily is the newly promoted vice president of marketing at a large corporation; Paul works from home or from clients\’ offices as an independent IT consultant. Their days are filled with a bewildering blizzard of emails, phone calls, more emails, meetings, projects, proposals, and plans. Just staying ahead of the storm has become a seemingly insurmountable task.
In Your Brain at Work, Dr. David Rock goes inside Emily and Paul\’s brains to see how they function as each attempts to sort, prioritize, organize, and act on the vast quantities of information they receive in one typical day. Dr. Rock is an expert on how the brain functions in a work setting. By analyzing what is going on in their heads, he offers solutions Emily and Paul (and all of us) can use to survive and thrive in today\’s hyperbusy work environment—and still feel energized and accomplished at the end of the day.
In Your Brain at Work, Dr. Rock explores issues such as:
- why our brains feel so taxed, and how to maximize our mental resources
- why it\’s so hard to focus, and how to better manage distractions
- how to maximize the chance of finding insights to solve seemingly insurmountable problems
- how to keep your cool in any situation, so that you can make the best decisions possible
- how to collaborate more effectively with others
- why providing feedback is so difficult, and how to make it easier
- how to be more effective at changing other people\’s behavior
and much more.
- 史蒂芬•柯维、脱不花、汤君健、战隼、秋叶联袂推荐
- 科学利用时间、合理分配脑力、轻松高效学习
- 只有理解大脑,才能改变大脑。
- •精选14个高频工作场景,运用四幕剧故事形式介绍脑科学知识,以大脑喜欢的方式,告诉你如何用脑科学提升工作效率,帮你科学利用时间,合理分配脑力,轻松高效工作。
- •神经科学领导力专业博士戴维•罗克作品,采访了30位神经科学,基于300多篇大脑和心理学研究论文的成果,由神经科学家杰夫里•施瓦茨博士指导,耗时数年写作而成。
- •戴维•罗克是神经领导学协会(NLI)联合创始人、首席执行官。NLI在24个国家开展业务,与《财富》世界100强中超过一半的企业有合作,曾帮助IBM、微软等公司提高业绩表现。NLI的研究成果被4500多家公司密切关注和应用,每年约有100万名管理者学习戴维开发的模型和工具。
- •配备思维导图拉页,精选68个脑科学知识点,帮你快速了解关键知识,轻松掌握提升工作效率的方法与技巧。
- 脑力是我们所拥有的最稀缺的资源,而且极容易被消耗和浪费,尤其是在工作中,多任务切换、分心、压力等都可能让我们脑仁儿疼,感到身心俱疲,工作效率当然也高不到哪里去。
- 解决之道就在于,我们需要按照大脑自己的运作规律来行事。本书作者根据最新的脑科学研究成果,耗费数年时间写作了这本工作脑科学着作,其中的方法经过了知名企业的多次验证,切实提高了人们的工作效率。
- 为了便于理解,作者采用了讲故事的形式,为我们展示了埃米莉和保罗在工作中遭遇的困境,并结合脑科学对此进行了分析和拆解,随后给出了改进方法,同时以“重演”的形式向我们呈现了故事主角在应用脑科学知识之后的工作改善。
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作者 Author
戴维•罗克(David Rock)
David Rock is a consultant and leadership coach who advises corporations around the world. The author of Coaching with the Brain in Mind, Quiet Leadership, and Personal Best, he is the CEO of Results Coaching Systems, a leading global consulting and coaching organization. He is on the advisory board of the international business school CIMBA and the cofounder of the NeuroLeadership Institute and Summit. He lives in Sydney, Australia, and New York City.
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