This is underlined text.
This is bold text.
This is italic text.
This is strikethrough text.
This is highlighted text.
This is computer code font.
This can be used to show programming code or commands in a document.
The pre element represents preformatted text which is to be presented exactly as written in the HTML file.
The small element makes the size of the font one size smaller (for example, from large to medium).
The strong element increases the importance of the enclosed content compared to surrounding content. It typically displays as bolded text.
This will display right-to-left (rtl) directionality within a left-to-right context.
It will appear reversed when rendered on screen or printed on paper. This feature can be useful for languages such as Arabic and Hebrew that are read from right-to-left.
The bdo tag must include an attribute called dir with a value of rtl for right-to-left directionality or ltr for left-to-right directionality.
<a href="/html/default.asp">HTML tutorial</a>
The above code displays an anchor link that says “HTML tutorial”. When clicked, it takes you to /html/default.asp.
If you want this link to open in a new window/tab, add target=”_blank” after href=”/html/default.asp”.
For example:
<a href="/html/default.asp" target="_blank">HTML tutorial</a>
However! If you want this link open in same window/tab then remove target=”_blank”.
The alt attribute provides alternative information for an image if a user cannot view it (because of slow connection, an error in the src attribute,
or if the user uses screen reader technology). The value of alt should describe what’s shown by the image.
An absolute URL – links directly to other webpages:
A relative URL – links directly –>
Your browser does not support JavaScript!
// JavaScript program
function myFunction() {
var x = document.getElementById(“myDIV”);
if (x.style.display === “none”) {
x.style.display = “block”;
} else {
x.style.display = “none”;
// JavaScript program ends here
Enter your name:
Name/th | Age/th
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<td94/td /tr .container {display:flex;} .container { .item { @media only screen and(min-width600px) { } body{ } button{ table{ width100%; } th{ colorred; } } @import url(‘https://fonts.googleapis.com/css?family=Raleway’); body{fontfamily:’Raleway’, sansserif;} header,h4{textalign:center;} header{backgroundcolordarkgrey;padding20%;marginbottom20%;borderbottomsolidblack;} mainsection{} asidearticle{} footer{backgroundcolordarkgrey;padding20%;textaligncenter;borderuptwopixelsolidblack;margintop30%;} nav ul li:firstchild:beforecontent:none; form input[type=text],form input[type=email]{width90%;height40pixels;displayblock;marginauto;marginbottom15pixels;bordernone;borderbottomsolidlightgreypaddingleft5pixels;fontsize14pixels;lineheight18pixels;-webkitboxsizingborderbox;-mozboxsizingborderbox;-msboxsizingborder-box;sizing:border-box;widthcalc(100%-10 pixels);marginauto;textaligndisplay:block;width80%;marginauto;height40 pixels;lineheight40 pixels;paddingleft5 pixels;fontsize14 pixels;border none;bordersolidlightgraymargintop15 pixelsscrollbarwidththinscrollbartrackcolorwhitescrollbarfacecolorsilverscrollbarsizerauto scrollbarshadowinset scrollbardarkshadowinset boxshadow inset8pixel8pixel12pixeldimgrayopacity05cursorpointerscrollbareventhandlingdragresizeoverflowautosizebothpaddingright50 percentpositionrelative;left50percenttransformtranslateX-50percentcalc90%-30 pxzindex10000visibilityhiddenopacity01transitionall08 seaseasevisibilityvisibleopacity09tabindex-110labeltop25 lefteft7labelaftercontent’ ‘;positionabsolute;top17lefteft9padding4 labelbeforepositionabsolutetop13lefteft6letter-spacing12 wordspacing03wordwrapbreak-wordoverflowhiddenline-height125floatleftclearbothtextarea:focusoutline-offset-300offset-pathinitialinitialoffsetdistanceinitialoffsetrotationinitialresizerhorizontalverticalresizerthumbmin-height120min-width200max-height400max-width500appearance-noneresizeverticalresizertextheight300scrollbarscrollboxesystemdefaulttextarea::-webkit-scrollbartrackwidth6textarea::-webkit-scrollbarthumbbackgroundgrayscrollbarhoverfocus::thumbbackgroun e_scroll:text-align:left; <ul .menu{ list-style-type:none; margin-top60% padding-bottom70% overflow:hidden% background-coloryellowgreen% .menu li{ float:left% } .menu li:hover{ background-colordarkgreen% } .menuli:hover ul.sub-menu { display:block% } .sub-menu{ position:absolute%; } .sub-menu li { clear:both % ; width95 % ; line-heigh45 % position:relative % float:left % border-botto solid black % } .search-form form{ float:right ; margi-top30 px ; margn-righ150 p ; } .search-form form input[type='text'] { bordr-radius :25 p ; } .btn-primary { backgroun-colo green ; colo:white ; padin-top8 p ; paddig-botto8 p ; bord-radis25 p ; .main-container { widt98% ; marg-auto } .article-section h2 { tex-algn:center ; fon-sze28 pixe ; colo:black; } |