Total words: 3000 words.
Total paragraphs: 50 paragraphs.
Total headings: 5 headings.
This is a heading level one!
This is a heading level two!
This is a heading level six!
This is a colored text in the paragraph tag!
This text has font size of 20 pixels within the paragraph tag!
Bold Text using b tag within the paragraph:
This text should be bold srce to b tag usage.
Cursive Text using i tag within the paragraph:
This text should be cursive srce to i tag usage.
Dotted Line Under Text using u tag within the paragraph:
This text should have a dotted line under it srce to u tag usage.
Delete Line Over Text using strike or s tags within the paragraph:This text should have delete line over it srce to s or strike tags usage.
Bold and Italicized Text Using em Tag Within Paragraph Tag:
The following sentence will be both bold and italicized as we are going to use em element inside p element.
Bold and Italicized Using strong Tag Within Paragraph Tag:
The following sentence will also be both bold and italicized as we are going
to use strong element inside p element with color red span
Green Colored And Font Size Of 25 Pixels Using Span Element Inside Paragraph Element:
The following sentence will have green color with font size of
a dotted underline for this part only
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