List of Exercises1 Disclaimer. Warnings. Definitions. and Other Oddities of Writing2 Making Time for Magic and Relaxing3 Breathing4 Body Positions5 Enbancing Your Sensory Perception6 Using Cognitive Science and NLP in Our Magic7 Looking a Ourseves8 Conditioning Success9 Energy Manipulation I10 Creating Your Own Banishing. and Banishing Examples from Andrieh\’s Grimoire11 Why Is Trance Needed in Magic?12 Energy Manipulation I1 3 Shards of the Self and the Shadow14 Energy Manipulation ll15 Energy Manipulation IV and Practical Shielding Techniques16 Sigil Magic Ⅰ:Sigil Creation17 Sigil Magic Ⅱ:Sigil Magical Enchantment18 Sigil Magic Ⅲ:Srring Sigils19 Sigil Magic Ⅳ: Sigil Anchors20 Resonance Sorcery and Material Bases: An Introsrcction to Talisman Work21 Basic Sympathetic Magic22 Basic Magical Tools23 Divination Energy Games2 4 More Energy Games and Visualization Exercises25 Invocation Theory26 Invocation Theory Ⅱ:The Advanced Stuff27 Inyocational Energy Work. Group Work. and Talisman Work28 Evocation29 Evocation level Ⅱ:I Got the Powerup Mushroom30 Creating Entities with Energy and Information3 1 Giving Form to Concepts and Ideas32 Advanced Practicum on Entity Creation33 Beginning Astral Work34 Art and the Stories We Tell35 Cycles of MovingBibliographyIndex