<章节部分撷取>DIGITALISThis drug, the active principle of the foxglove plant, was first introsrcced intogeneral medical practice by a doctor who bought its secret from a witch.He was Dr. William Withering (1741–1799), who was born at Wellington inShropshire. He published An Account of the Foxglove and Some of its MedicalUses in 1785.Withering discovered in his practice in Shropshire that people resorted tovillage wise women, or white witches, for cures; and he was intrigued to findthat such cures were sometimes successful. There was one old lady in particular,who had a herbal medicine which benefited certain heart conditions.Having established this as a fact, Withering went to see the old witch-wife,and bought the recipe from her. He found that the most important ingredient wasfoxglove, and this started him on his own study of the properties of this plant.He became famous srcring his lifetime as a result of his contribution tomedicine; and his monument in Edgbaston Old Church was ornamented withcarvings of foxglove, in tribute to his discovery.The foxglove plant has for a very long time been associated with witches, andis sometimes called witches’ glove or witches’ thimble. Its name is really nothingto do with foxes; but was originally folks’ glove, ‘the glove of the good folk, orfairies’.Digitalis is in regular use in medical practice today. This proves that thetraditional lore of the witches was not all superstitious nonsense; especially inthe department of ‘wortcunning’, or knowledge of the properties of herbs.Andyanrt,如果您要查看本帖隐藏内容请回复
摘要:《An ABC of Witchcraft Past and Present》是一本古今中外的基础巫术知识的书籍。本文将从四个方面对这本书进行详细阐述。首先,介绍巫术的起源和历史;其次,探讨巫术的核心概念和实践;然后,讨论巫术在不同文化中的表现形式;最后,探究巫术在现代社会中的影响和发展。