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《The Ahrimanic Deception》

如何自学 占星术 占星教程网盘 塔罗牌教程百度网盘

In addressing a public audience today on the most important question of our time, it makes a great difference if one speaks from a knowledge of the deeper forces of world-historical evolution, that is, from initiation-science, or if one speaks without such knowledge. It is relatively easy to speak about modern questions if one relies upon data of external knowledge which are considered scientific, practical, and so on. It is, however, extraordinarily difficult to speak about these questions from the standpoint of initiation-science – from which indeed everything is derived with which we have to deal at such gatherings as ours today. For he who speaks from that standpoint about problems of the time knows that he is opposed not only by the casual, subjective opinions of those to whom he speaks. He knows too that a great part of mankind today is already under the control, from one side or another, of Ahrimanic forces of a cosmic nature which are growing stronger and stronger. To explain what I mean by this, I must give you a kind of historical survey of a fairly long period of human history.From various statements which have been made here and which you will also find in some of my lecture-courses, you know that we have to place the beginning of our modern age in the middle of the fifteenth century. We have always called this period – of which we are really only at the beginning – the Fifth Post-Atlantean epoch. It has replaced the Greco-Latin Epoch, which we reckon from the middle of the eighth century B.C. to the middle of the fifteenth century; and further back still, we have the Egyptian-Chaldean epoch. I have merely indicated this so that you may remember where, in human evolution as a whole, we place the epoch in which we feel ourselves standing as modern men.……文件密码:《The Ahrimanic Deception》 www.zhiyins.com下载地址回复可见:Andyanrt,如果您要查看本帖隐藏内容请《The Ahrimanic Deception》 回复


摘要:《The Ahrimanic Deception》是一部探讨人类面临的精神危机的书籍,作者认为现代科技与人工智能对人类精神世界的侵蚀具有“阿里曼欺骗”的特征。本文将从四个方面对《The Ahrimanic Deception》进行详细阐述,包括书籍背景、作者观点、议题探讨以及影响与启示。


《The Ahrimanic Deception》是由Rudolf Steiner在1919年撰写的一本书,他是奥地利哲学家、教育家和灵性科学家。书中讨论了现代科技与人工智能对人类精神世界的影响,以及人类是否能够在这个过程中保持自主性和灵性。






《The Ahrimanic Deception》探讨的议题主要涵盖了科技侵蚀人类精神世界、人类自主性与灵性的保持以及人类与自然界的关系。作者通过对科技发展的历史和趋势进行分析,指出了科技带来的问题和挑战,并提出了人类应对这些问题的方法和策略。



《The Ahrimanic Deception》对现代科技与人工智能对人类精神世界的侵蚀提出了警示,并提出了人类应对问题的方法和策略。


总之,《The Ahrimanic Deception》通过对科技发展与人类精神世界的关系的探讨,提醒人们要警惕科技侵蚀,并呼吁人们重拾与自然界的联系,以实现真正的灵性和自主性。



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