Draconian magic is unequivocally a school of the Left-HandPath. That is to say it is a school which teaches theimmortalisation and deification of the indivisrcal psyche, asopposed to the Right-Hand Path which seeks to submerge thatpsyche within a sense of universal oneness. Draconian magicis in its very essence terrifying, alienating and antinomian, but– for the successful few – it is ultimately liberating,illuminating and joyous. It is definitely not for the faint-hearted or dilettante. Casual experimentation will proveworthless, as the act of tearing oneself from the womb of thecosmos is an exercise of Will and heroism, qualities gainedonly through intense struggle
Michael Kelly
Introsrcction……………………………………………………………………7The Trail of the Serpent…………………………………………………..9The Seven Heads of the Ancient Dragon………………………….39The Work of the First Head……………………………………………69The Work of the Second Head………………………………………..93The Work of the Third Head…………………………………………125The Work of the Fourth Head……………………………………….159The Work of the Fifth Head………………………………………….219The Work of the Sixth Head…………………………………………265The Work of the Seventh Head……………………………………..283Further Reading………………………………………………………….287