Table of ContentsIntrosrcction: The History of Wicca“Cunning Folk” and “Wise Woman”: The Old CraftThe Wickedest Man in the World and the Father of WiccaThe Wiccan Religion Today: A New/Old ReligionPopular Wiccan Traditions TodayChapter 1: What It Means to Be a WiccanThe Core Beliefs of Wicca:The Goddess and the GodThe Five Elements and the Four QuartersEarth and NorthWater and WestFire and SouthAir and EastSpiritThe Wiccan Rede and the Rule of ThreeThe Wiccan RedeThe Rule of ThreeChapter 2: Tools of the TradeAn AltarCandlesAthame, Staff, or WandChalice or CauldronA BellBook of ShadowsA PentacleAn Altar ClothChapter 3: WitchcraftHistory of Witches and WitchcraftWitch Hysteria in EuropeSalem Witch TrialsOld GeorgeA New World for Traditional WitchcraftWitchcraft is not WiccaThe Witchcraft Covens, Beliefs, and Magical PracticesNew Age of Traditional WitchcraftChapter 4: A Guide to Herbal MagicThe Power of NatureDifferent Types of Herbal MagicA Witch’s Garden or a Witch’s CupboardHerbs for Your GardenHarvesting, Drying, and Storing HerbsChapter 5: Simple Herbal MagicSpells for Prosperity, Wealth, Luck, Success, Love, Health,and ProtectionSpells for SuccessSpells for WealthSpells for LoveSpells for LuckSpells for ProtectionSpells for HealthChapter 6: A Guide to Candle MagicThe Magic of ColorHow To Make Your Own CandleCandle Making Shopping ListTips for Making Your CandlesChapter 7: Simple Candle MagicKnotted Wick Candle SpellWishing Candle SpellChapter 8: Beginner Spells and MagicMoney BagLove Candle SpellMoon Money SpellHealing SpellRing the Bell of LoveHealth BlessingA Candle for HappinessWishing SpellBibliography
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摘要:本文主要介绍了《Wicca This Book Includes (草药、蜡烛、水晶与威卡基础 4合1套…)》,该书包含了草药、蜡烛、水晶和威卡基础四个方面的内容。通过详细阐述这四个方面的内容,帮助读者了解威卡信仰并学习相关知识。
通过《Wicca This Book Includes (草药、蜡烛、水晶与威卡基础 4合1套…)》这本书的详细介绍,读者可以全面了解威卡信仰,并学习到草药、蜡烛、水晶和威卡基础方面的知识。这本书不仅提供了对威卡信仰的深入理解,还分享了实践技巧和建议,帮助读者在日常生活中运用威卡的智慧。如果你对威卡信仰感兴趣或者想要学习相关知识,这本书将是你的不二选择。