《尘世九门》是一本能为你打开自学并掌握卢恩符文的能力、以改变自己的书籍。自1980年以来,《尘世九门》就作为一门完整的学科和实践课程、被Rune-Gild(卢恩符文相关研习组织)的发起者所使用。曾经而言,本书对外界民众来说早已绝版,难以获得;今时今日,本书在做出完全修订和更新之后推出这本第五版。与卢恩符文相关的(魔法)传统自成一派,与其他任何魔法传统一样源远流长;更重要的是,卢恩符文也是日耳曼民族(英格兰人,德国人,荷兰人和斯堪的纳维亚人)的祖先的知识、与自然和谐共处的道路。《尘世九门》的分级步骤是唯一采用系统和传统方法进行内部符文工作的课程。通过九个章节的“课程”,这本书能将符文魔法实践者从一个零基础,带到了新高度。The Nine Doors of Midgard are the gateways to self-transformation and mastery through the Runes. This complete course of study and practice has been used by the initiates of the Rune-Gild since 1980. Long out-of-print to the wider public and difficult to obtain, it is now being made available in a completely revised and updated fifth edition. The Runic Tradition represents a whole school of inner work as ancient as any other and with the added importance that it is the ancestral, or natural, path for folks of Germanic (English, German, Dutch, and Scandinavian) background. The graded steps of The Nine Doors of Midgard are the only curriculum to take a systematic and traditional approach to inner Rune-work. Through nine “lessons” the book takes the Rune-worker from a stage in which no previous knowledge of Runes or esoteric work is assumed to a high level of initiation.
Edred Thorsson
新版前言 Preface to the New Edition第三版前言 Preface to the Third Edition第二版前言 Preface to the Second Edition修订版第一版前言 Revised Preface to the First Edition 介绍 Introsrcction所用术语及缩写的解释 Abbreviations/ A Note on Terminology尘世第一门 The First Door of Midgard尘世第二门 The Other Door of Midgard尘世第三门 The Third Door of Midgard尘世第四门 The Fourth Door of Midgard尘世第五门 The Fifth Door of Midgard尘世第六门 The Sixth Door of Midgard尘世第七门 The Seventh Door of Midgard 尘世第八门 The Eighth Door of Midgard 尘世第九门 The Ninth Door of Midgard附录A:基础卢恩符文(字母)表Appendix A: Tables of Basic Runelore附录B:卢恩符文学习者组织所用到的仪式Appendix B: The Rites of the Rûna-Workshops 附录C:计画信息Appendix C: Introsrcctory Information附录D:相关/拓展书目Appendix D: Readings
书籍原名:The Nine Doors of Midgard: A Curriculum of Rune-work出版日期:2018年5月22日ISBN-10 : 0971204489ISBN-13 : 978-0971204485出版商:Arcana Europa Media LLC; Revised and Expanded 5th with New Preface ed. edition上面的书名、简介及目录是自制的翻译Andyanrt,如果您要查看本帖隐藏内容请回复
摘要:《尘世九门-卢恩符文魔法仪式课程》The Nine Doors of Midgard: A…是一门全面介绍卢恩符文魔法的课程。本文将从四个方面详细阐述该课程的内容,包括课程大纲、课程特点、教学方法和学习效果。通过本文的阐述,读者将对该课程有一个全面的了解,以便于决定是否选择该课程。