IN THIS INFORMATION-PACKED GUIDE TO ASTROLOGICAL CONSULTANCY, LEARN TO: – Build your practice and attract a diverse, international clientele – Recognize the type of astrologer you are or want to be – Develop creative ways of advertising and marketing your skills – Prepare consultations and pinpoint key areas of any chart – Deal with difficult clients and challenging situations And make the most of the rapid technological and online changes that are affecting every astrologer right now. Along the way, consultant astrologer Wendy Stacey provides tips on practical matters such as fees, insurance and record-keeping, as well as advice on issues of confidentiality, client-astrologer boundaries and professional ethics. This is a handbook that every aspiring and professional astrologer cannot afford to be without.
Wendy Stace
Title PageDedicationPrefaceIntrosrcctionGetting Started» VZhat sort of astrologer are you?» Skills and experience. Hpw you practisePractical Matters» Fees. Accepting payments» Terms and conditions« Registration with professional bodies» Insurance» Your accounts and business set-up» Records of your clients» Supervision» Schesrcling an appointmentThe Consultation Space» Roaming consultations« Virtual consultations» Telephone consultations» Mobile phone consultations» Written analyses« Room-based consultancy« Setting up the room« Aids for the consultation roomBefore the Consultation« Synastry with the client« The consultation chart« PermissionPreparation of the Chart« What to look for in the chart« Preparation sheet« Twelve-month forecastThe Consultation« How to start the consultation« Language and discussion« Respect for the client« How to end a consultationWorking with Time« Confirmation of the birth time« Electing chartsEthics« Confidentiality and anonymity« Boundaries – know vour limits« Referrals« Permission« Protect yourselfAdvertising and Marketing« Website» Networking» Web communications» Blogs» Text alerts» Printed material» Speaking engagements» Teaching astrology classes» Write where and when vou can» Form or join a local astrology group» Where to market yourself» Astro-cartographyClientele» Regular clients» Difficult clients» Challenging situations» Clients you might attractTaking Astrology One Step Further» Research» Counselling» Alternative health» Media» FinancialMy Own Experience as an Astrology ConsultantConclusionBibliography and Further ReadingAcknowledgementsAbout the Mayo School of AstrologyIndexAbout the Author
本主题由 影月 于 2023-5-7 18:58 加入精华有需要联系v;hx-hx4
摘要:Wendy Stace的《Consulting with Astrology》是一本关于咨询和星座的书。本文通过对这本书的分析,从四个方面进行了详细阐述:作者的背景和专业性、书中的内容和结构、对读者的价值以及对星座咨询的看法。通过整篇文章的阐述,可以看出这本书在咨询领域的重要性和价值。
Wendy Stace的《Consulting with Astrology》是一本关于咨询和星座的重要着作。通过对作者的背景和专业性、书中的内容和结构、对读者的价值以及对星座咨询的看法的阐述,可以看出这本书在咨询领域的重要性和价值。无论是专业咨询师还是对星座咨询感兴趣的读者,都可以从这本书中获得实用的知识和灵感。