CONTENTS Foreword by Nicholas Goodrick-Clarke Vll Preface Xl CHAPTER I INTRODUCTION: WHAT IS ESOTERICISM? Some Scholarly Views 2 Religious Pluralism and the ‘Esoteric Ficld ofDiscourse’ 6 CHAPTER 2 ESOTERICISM IN THE ANCIENT WORLD 12 Philosophical Religion, Religious Philosophy 12 Hermetism: The Founding ofa Tradition 18 What is ‘Gnosis’? 23 Transmission into the Middle Ages 26 CHAPTER 3 THE KABBALAH: UNDERSTANDING THE HIDDEN IN THE REVEALED 31 Prehistory: Hekhalot Mysticism and Esoteric Biblical Exegesis 31 The Classical Kabbalah: From Southern France to Israel 35 CHAPTER 4 THE RENAISSANCE: RE-INVENTING THE ANCIENT WORLD 44 Esotericism in the Middle Ages 45 The Birth ofModern Esotericism 49 CHAPTER 5 ESOTERICISM IN THE CONFESSIONAL AGE 62 The Mysteries ofNature: Magia naturalis 62 Kabbalah and Occult Philosophy 70 Complex Identities 81 Apocalypticism, Alchemy and Natural Science in Protestantism 94 vi WESTERN ESOTERICISM CHAPTER 6 ESOTERICISM, ENLIGHTENMENT AND SCIENCE 99 The Battle for the Spiritual World 100 Natural Science in the Nineteenth Century 104 CHAPTER 7 INSTITUTIONALISED ESOTERICISM: SECRET SOCIETIES 113 Rosicrucians or In the Beginning was a Fiction 113 Freemasons or The Power ofMystery 116 Magical Orders or Egypt in England 118 CHAPTER 8 PIONEER OF MODERN ESOTERICISM: THE THEOSOPHICAL SOCIETY 122 Helena Petrovna Blavatsky: The Sphinx ofthe West 122 Ascended Masters and Mundane Squabbles 128 CHAPTER 9 ESOTERIClSM AND MODERNITY 133 Modernity and its Discontents 133 And the ‘New Age’? 140 Bibliography 147 Index 162
摘要:《Western Esotericism, A Brief History of Secret Knowledge》是一本关于西方秘教主义的简要历史的书籍。本文将从四个方面对这本书进行详细阐述,分别是秘教主义的定义与起源、秘教主义的发展与传播、秘教主义的核心思想与实践、以及秘教主义对现代社会的影响。