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《History of Freemasonry》

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TRADITION AND HISTORY IN MASONRYIN the study of Freemasonry there are two kinds of statementswhich are presented to the mind of the inquiring scholar, whichare sometimes concurrent, but much oftener conflicting, in theircharacter.These are the historical and the traditional, each of whichappertains to Freemasonry as we may consider it in a differentaspect.The historical statement relates to the Institution as we look atit from an exoteric or public point of view; the traditionalrefers only to its esoteric or secret character.So long as its traditional legends are confined to the ritual ofthe Order, they are not appropriate subjects of historicalinquiry. They have been invented by the makers of the ritualsfor symbolic purposes connected with the forms of initiation.Out of these myths of Speculative Masonry its philosophy has beendeveloped; and, as they are really to be considered as merely theexpansion of a philosophic or speculative idea, they can notproperly be posited in the category of historical narratives.But in the published works of those who have written on theorigin and progress of Masonry, from its beginning to the presenttime, the legendary or traditional has too much been mingled withthe historical element. The effect of this course has been, onadversely prejudiced minds, to weaken all claims of theInstitution to an historical existence. The doctrine of "falsein one thing, false in all," has been rigidly applied, and thosestatements of the Masonic historian which are really authentichave been doubted or rejected, because in other portions of hisnarrative he has been too cresrclous.……文件密码:《History of Freemasonry》 www.zhiyinshe.com下载地址回复可见:游客,如果您要查看本帖隐藏内容请《History of Freemasonry》 回复


摘要:《History of Freemasonry》是一部关于共济会历史的着作,本文将从四个方面对该书进行详细阐述。首先,介绍该书的背景和作者;然后,探讨该书对于共济会历史的重要性和影响;接着,分析该书的内容和结构;最后,总结并归纳该书的价值和意义。


《History of Freemasonry》是由XX于XX年出版的一部专注于共济会历史的着作。作者本身是一位共济会成员,对于共济会的历史和传统有深入的研究和了解。这使得该书在揭示共济会的起源、发展和影响力方面具有独到的见解。


通过对背景和作者的介绍,读者可以更好地理解和认识《History of Freemasonry》这部着作的特点和价值。


《History of Freemasonry》对于共济会历史的研究具有重要意义和深远影响。首先,该书详细探讨了共济会的起源和传统,帮助读者了解共济会的发展历程和核心价值。其次,通过对共济会在不同国家和时期的发展情况的分析,读者可以更好地把握共济会在全球范围内的影响力和地位。


综上所述,通过对《History of Freemasonry》的研究,读者可以更加全面和深入地了解共济会的历史和传统,以及其在社会历史中的重要作用。


《History of Freemasonry》的内容十分丰富和详实,涵盖了共济会的起源、发展和影响力等方面。该书以时间为线索,按照年代和国家的不同,逐步展开对共济会历史的叙述。同时,作者还通过对共济会的组织结构、仪式和价值观的研究,深入剖析了共济会的内涵和精神。


通过对内容和结构的分析,读者可以更好地理解和阅读《History of Freemasonry》,并从中获取丰富的知识和信息。


《History of Freemasonry》是一部具有重要意义和深远影响的着作,通过对共济会历史的详实梳理和深入剖析,帮助读者全面了解共济会的起源、发展和影响力。同时,该书的内容丰富详实,结构清晰合理,使读者更易于理解和掌握。

综上所述,通过阅读《History of Freemasonry》,读者可以深入了解共济会的历史和传统,以及其在社会历史中的重要作用。这对于对共济会历史感兴趣的人士和研究者具有重要的参考价值和学术意义。



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