英文:For as long as humanity has existed, there have been those skilled in the occult arts. Such indivisrcals are capable of transforming the self, perceiving the subtle aspect of existence, and affecting reality via nonphysical means. In every culture, across every era, shamans, magi, mystics, and seers have refined their arts. This has prosrcced a rich and varied collection of magickal techniques and rituals. Ars Vercanus presents a comprehensive system of core magickal techniques and theories distilled from an in-depth cross-cultural analysis of various magickal traditions. The theories of Vercanus Magick impart a deep understanding of how magick actually works. Vercanus techniques clearly delineate methods by which magick may be effectively performed. This style of magick entails a profound shifting of consciousness, facilitating an enhanced perception of reality. Through this expanded consciousness the practitioner perceives the deeper aspects of reality within which magick occurs. The techniques of Vercanus Magick entail the mastering of consciousness and internal energies. This mastery insrcces a profound transformation in the magus. Thus transformed, the magus is capable of shaping reality at its deepest level.机翻:自从人类存在以来,就有那些精通神秘艺术的人。这些个体能够改造自我,感知存在的微妙方面,并通过非物质手段影响现实。在每一种文化中,在每一个时代,萨满、法师、神秘主义者和预言家都精益求精。这就产生了丰富多样的魔法技巧和仪式。Vercanus展示了一个综合的魔术核心技术和理论体系,从对各种魔法传统的深入的跨文化分析中提炼出来。Vercanus Magick的理论让我们深入了解了Magick是如何工作的。Vercanus技术清楚地描绘了magick可以被有效地执行的方法。这种魔法风格需要意识的深刻转变,促进对现实的增强感知。通过这种扩展的意识,修行者感知到了现实的深层次,其中魔法发生了。佛陀罗的技巧需要掌握意识和内在能量。这种掌握在法师身上引发了深刻的转变。如此转变,法师能够在最深层次塑造现实。