The New Hermetics is a powerful spiritual technology of the mind. It is a course of study and practice that teaches the science of illumination and the ability to alter reality. The ancient Egyptian form of Hermetic philosophy was that the mind shapes reality. The New Hermetics extends that philosophy—the universe is a great mind or consciousness, and we are a part of that consciousness; therefore by learning to control the mind, we learn to control our part of the universe.With updated versions of the ancient Rosicrucian brotherhood\’s 10 levels of initiation, combined with ancient and modern mind-expanding techniques such as visualization and NLP (neuro-linguistic programming), The New Hermetics progressively gives initiates power over their minds and world. Practicing these elements simultaneously makes it possible to undergo initiation into the mysteries of consciousness in a fraction of the time it was ever before possible. The course offered in the book lets practitioners master their minds in such a way that they will be able to achieve anything and everything they want in life, spiritually and physically.The New Hermetics offers 10 levels of instruction to control the mind and control reality:Level 1—The Initiate teaches mastery over behavior and visualization in the Ether.Level 2—The Zealot bestows mastery over emotions, breathing, and Etheric energy.Level 3—The Practitioner gives mastery over mind, beliefs, and the ability to project Etheric energy.Level 4—The Philosopher masters creativity, values, and the ability to direct Etheric energy.Level 5—The Adept develops relationship with cosmic consciousness.Level 6—The Advanced Adept offers the power to direct the forces of cosmic consciousness.Level 7—The Perfect Adept gives wisdom and the ability to share these forces with others.Level 8—The Master bestows mastery of cosmic consciousness.Level 9—The Mage gains mastery of universal power.Level 10—The Ultimate Master obtains mastery over the universal self.The New Hermetics is a powerful course of instruction that can help anyone master themselves to rule their world.
Jason Augustus Newcomb
摘要:《The New Hermetics: 21st Century Magick for Illumination and Power》是一本关于现代魔法和启迪力量的书籍。本文将从四个方面对这本书进行详细阐述。首先,探讨了书中介绍的魔法实践和技巧。其次,阐述了书中关于内在变革和个人成长的观点。然后,探讨了书中强调的与自然和宇宙联系的重要性。最后,总结了这本书的价值和对读者的启示。
《The New Hermetics: 21st Century Magick for Illumination and Power》提供了丰富的魔法实践和技巧,帮助读者掌握魔法的基本原理和应用。书中介绍了各种魔法仪式和咒语,包括神秘符号的使用、能量操控和意识扩展的方法。通过这些实践和技巧,读者可以培养自己的魔法能力,实现自身的目标和愿望。
《The New Hermetics: 21st Century Magick for Illumination and Power》强调内在变革和个人成长的重要性。通过魔法实践,读者可以深入了解自己的内心世界,并改变自己的思维和行为模式。书中介绍了一系列心智训练和内省技巧,帮助读者认识和解决自己的心理障碍,提升自我意识和自我控制能力。
《The New Hermetics: 21st Century Magick for Illumination and Power》强调与自然和宇宙的联系。作者认为,人类是宇宙的一部分,我们与自然界和宇宙之间存在着紧密的联系。书中介绍了一系列与自然界和宇宙能量交流的方法,包括通过冥想、观察自然和运用符号等方式。通过与自然和宇宙的联系,读者可以获得更深层次的启示和力量。
《The New Hermetics: 21st Century Magick for Illumination and Power》是一本关于现代魔法和启迪力量的重要着作。通过书中的魔法实践和技巧,读者可以提升自己的魔法能力,并实现自身的目标和愿望。同时,书中强调内在变革和个人成长的重要性,帮助读者认识和解决自己的心理障碍,提升自我意识和自我控制能力。此外,与自然和宇宙的联系也是书中的重要观点,通过与自然和宇宙的交流,读者可以获得更深层次的启示和力量。总之,这本书对读者的启示和帮助不可估量。