This paper was written in response to requests by participants of the “enochian-l” and “Praxis” internet discussion groups; it first appeared as a series of posts on those groups in early 1997. The current version has been slightly rewritten to enhance the clarity of the presentation, and to include a small amount of additional material. The techniques described herein are adaptations of techniques I learned from two sources. The first of these is Mr. Brian D., who taught me the basic method many years ago. The second is Mr. Paul Solomon and his group, the Fellowship of the Inner Light, who had transformed that method into the foundation of their system of spiritual work. Special thanks also to the “secret chiefs” of the Fellowship, for their direct and effective contribution to my work at a critical point. Some debts can never be repaid; the best that can be done is to pass on what was given. ……文件密码:www.zhiyins.com下载地址回复可见:游客,如果您要查看本帖隐藏内容请回复
摘要:《A Short Course in Scrying》是一本关于占卜术的短期培训教程。本文将从四个方面对这本书进行详细阐述,包括书籍内容、教学方法、学员评价和推荐指数。
《A Short Course in Scrying》的内容主要涵盖了占卜术的基本知识、技巧和实践方法。作者通过简单易懂的语言,详细介绍了各种占卜工具的使用方法,如水晶球、陶土碗和黑镜等。此外,书中还包含了不同类型的占卜术,如星象学和符文术等,使读者能够全面了解占卜的多样性。
《A Short Course in Scrying》采用了一种互动式的教学方法,使读者能够更好地理解和应用所学知识。书中提供了丰富的实例和练习,帮助读者逐步掌握占卜术的基本技巧。此外,作者还提供了一些实用的技巧和建议,帮助读者解决在占卜过程中可能遇到的问题。
《A Short Course in Scrying》受到了众多学员的高度评价。他们认为这本书不仅内容丰富,而且易于理解和实践。学员们表示,在阅读和实践过程中,他们获得了很大的启发和收获。许多学员还分享了他们在占卜术中的成功经历,证明了这本书的有效性。
综合以上内容,我们给《A Short Course in Scrying》的推荐指数为9.5/10。这本书不仅适合初学者,也适合已经有一定基础的读者。它的内容丰富、教学方法互动、学员评价良好,能够帮助读者快速入门并提高占卜术的水平。
《A Short Course in Scrying》是一本内容丰富、教学方法互动的占卜术短期培训教程。通过阅读和实践,读者可以全面了解占卜术的基本知识和技巧,并获得实用的经验和指导。无论是初学者还是有一定基础的读者,都能从这本书中获得启发和收获。