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Show Your Work!: 10 Ways to Share Your Creativity and Get Discovered – Austin Kleon / 奥斯丁•克莱恩

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Show Your Work!: 10 Ways to Share Your Creativity and Get Discovered – Austin Kleon / 奥斯丁•克莱恩 – 人人都在晒,凭什么你出彩:玩转社交网络的10堂创意自修课 –
《Show Your Work! – 10 Ways to Share Your Creativity and Get Discovered》
Show Your Work!: 10 Ways to Share Your Creativity and Get Discovered – Austin Kleon / 奥斯丁•克莱恩 – 人人都在晒,凭什么你出彩:玩转社交网络的10堂创意自修课 –

简介 Intro

《Show Your Work!: 10 Ways to Share Your Creativity and Get Discovered》—— Austin Kleon

In his New York Times bestseller Steal Like an Artist, Austin Kleon showed readers how to unlock their creativity by “stealing” from the community of other movers and shakers. Now, in an even more forward-thinking and necessary book, he shows how to take that critical next step on a creative journey—getting known.

Show Your Work! is about why generosity trumps genius. It’s about getting findable, about using the network instead of wasting time “networking.” It’s not self-promotion, it’s self-discovery—let others into your process, then let them steal from you. Filled with illustrations, quotes, stories, and examples, Show Your Work! offers ten transformative rules for being open, generous, brave, prosrcctive.

In chapters such as You Don’t Have to Be a Genius; Share Something Small Every Day; and Stick Around, Kleon creates a user’s manual for embracing the communal nature of creativity— what he calls the “ecology of talent.” From broader life lessons about work (you can’t find your voice if you don’t use it) to the etiquette of sharing—and the dangers of oversharing—to the practicalities of Internet life (build a good domain name; give credit when credit is srce), it’s an inspiring manifesto for succeeding as any kind of artist or entrepreneur in the digital age.

  • 1. 《纽约时报》、亚马逊畅销书排名第1位、好评如潮的创意营销书。《出版人周刊》称其在社交网络时代“在安全范围内提供了实用的自我营销策略”。
  • 2. TED演讲者创意分享:晒对了,全世界都为你点赞:别人在朋友圈、微博晒自拍、晒孩子、晒吃喝,你来晒创意、晒灵感、晒工作、晒收获,发出自己的声音,找到伙伴,机会也会主动找上门!
  • 3. 10堂创意课+手绘涂鸦,所有人都能轻松读完、迅速学会的创意小书:10堂自修课直观教你学会用微信、微博等社交媒体玩转社交媒体,不论从事何种职业,都能在本书中找到提升能力水平、改变思维方式、激发创意灵感的绝妙方法。
  • 这是一本关于社交网络分享的创意集合。如今的社交网络似乎只是“刷”时间的娱乐方式,但晒自拍、晒食物的行为并不能真正帮助你做出更有意义的事情,而作者努力给出的建议,是教你如何利用社交媒体晒出有意义的东西,进而吸引同好,让机会找到你。作者提供了10条简单的自我营销之道,短小精悍但内容丰富。读者可以从中收获灵感,“晒”出不一样的自己。本书语言风格诙谐、幽默,配以大量的手绘插图、涂鸦,辨识度高。
  • 《出版人周刊》:有些人天生就懂得行销自己,但也有些人觉得要把作品推到世人眼前,简直困难得不得了。如果你属于后者,这本书会教你几招有效的方法,让你既能分享作品,又不必离开自己的舒适圈,书中的建议聪明又有用。
  • 《图书馆期刊》:这本书和《偷师学艺》都堪称经典,不管经过多久,读者都可以不断回头从书中找到依然实用的建议与秘诀。如果你认为这本书是写给有心从事创作的年轻人,那你就错了,因为对每个有心创作,或是想重拾创作的人来说,这本书都能大大鼓舞他们。


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作者 Author

Austin Kleon / 奥斯丁•克莱恩

I’m a writer who draws. I make art with words and books with pictures. Author of Steal Like An Artist and other bestsellers.Visit my website: http://austinkleon.com/

  • TED演讲者、作家、艺术家。他的作品大量刊登于《纽约时报》《华尔街日报》《PBS新闻一小时》及其他艺术类网站;曾受邀在各大企业及论坛演讲,包括谷歌、皮克斯、TEDx、《经济学人》人类潜能高峰会等。着有《纽约时报》畅销书《Steal Like An Artist》、诗集《Newspaper Blackout》等。


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