Our Iceberg Is Melting – John Kotter / Holger Rathgeber 领导就是让人追随 –
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Our Iceberg Is Melting
简介 Intro
<Our Iceberg Is Melting>—— John Kotter / Holger Rathgeber
Our Iceberg Is Melting is a simple fable about doing well in an ever-changing world. Based on the award-winning work of Harvard\’s John Kotter, it is a story that has been used to help thousands of people and organizations.
The fable is about a penguin colony in Antarctica. A group of beautiful emperor penguins live as they have for many years. Then one curious bird discovers a potentially devastating problem threatening their home – and pretty much no one listens to him.
The characters in the story, Fred, Alice, Louis, Buddy, the Professor, and NoNo, are like people we recognize – even ourselves. Their tale is one of resistance to change and heroic action, seemingly intractable obstacles, and the most clever tactics for dealing with those obstacles. It\’s a story that is occurring in different forms all around us today – but the penguins handle the very real challenges a great deal better than most of us.
Our Iceberg Is Melting is based on pioneering work that shows how eight steps prosrcce needed change in any sort of group. It\’s a story that can be enjoyed by anyone while at the same time providing invaluable guidance for a world that just keeps moving faster and faster.
- ☆ 营造氛围
- ☆ 组建领导团队
- ☆ 制订计划与战略
- ☆ 有效沟通
- ☆ 授权行动
- ☆ 创造短期成效
- ☆ 建立体系
- ☆ 打造文化
关键词:领导就是让人追随;冰山在融化:在逆境中成功变革的关键智慧;约翰•科特 / 霍尔格•拉斯格博;
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leadership textbook.非常好读,case study。
一个管理学的寓言故事 甚至可以作为儿童读物 关于组织变革的几个方面 通过企鹅世界的寓言来更好的展示人类社会在面临危难和变革前的普遍性问题
作者 Author
John Kotter / Holger Rathgeber
Regarded by many as the authority on leadership and change, John P. Kotter is a New York Times best-selling author, award winning business and management thought leader, business entrepreneur, inspirational speaker and Harvard Professor. His ideas, books, speeches, and company, Kotter International, have helped mobilize people around the world to better lead organizations, and their own lives, in an era of increasingly rapid change. Dr. Kotter’s MIT and Harvard esrccation laid the foundation for his life-long passion for esrccating, motivating, and helping people. He became a member of the Harvard Business School faculty in 1972. By 1980, at the age of 33, Kotter was given tenure and a full Professorship – at the time, the youngest person ever to have received that award at the Business School. Over the past 40 years, his articles in The Harvard Business Review have been some of the most popular reprints for the publication. His HBR article \”Accelerate!\” won the 2012 McKinsey Award for the world\’s most practical and groundbreaking thinking in the business/management arena. Kotter has authored 20 books to date – twelve of them bestsellers. His books have reached millions and have been printed in over 150 foreign language editions. Arguably his most popular book, Our Iceberg Is Melting, was released in 2006. This New York Times bestseller helped launch to a large audience the 8-step process for leading change. In 2014, Kotter published his book Accelerate, an evolution of his previous research on leading change. Accelerate highlights the iterative nature of the 8-step process, the importance of aligning people around a Big Opportunity, and how to create an organization that is both efficient and reliable, and fast and agile enough to respond to today’s challenges. Dr. Kotter is the Founder, Chairman and Head of Research at Kotter International, a consulting firm focused on helping organizations apply the concepts in his books in a practical and accessible way – helping them achieve unimaginable results, faster than they believe possible. Other widely read books include A Sense of Urgency, The Heart of Change and Leading Change, which Time magazine selected in 2011 as one of the 25 most influential business management books ever written. Kotter\’s 21st book, Change: How Organizations Achieve Hard-to-Imagine Results Despite Uncertain and Volatile Times brings together more than 40 years of research and more than a decade of Kotter International’s practical application of this research with organizations around the globe. Change sheds new light on how to build organizations – from businesses to governments – that are able to change and adapt rapidly. Kotter’s research and pursuits in esrccation, business and writing have earned the respect of his peers, helped transform organizations around the world, touched countless lives, and still inspires others to adopt his methods and spread the word. He continues to work tirelessly to achieve the goal of “millions leading, billions benefiting.” Professor Kotter is a proud father of two and resides in Sarasota, FL with his wife, Nancy Dearman.
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