Color and Light: A Guide for the Realist Painter – James Gurney – 色彩与光线:写实主义绘画指南
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Color and Light – A Guide for the Realist Painter
简介 Intro
<Color and Light: A Guide for the Realist Painter>—— James Gurney
James Gurney, New York Times best-selling author and artist of the Dinotopia series, follows Imaginative Realism with his second art-instruction book, Color and Light: A Guide for the Realist Painter. A researched study on two of art\’s most fundamental themes, Color and Light bridges the gap between abstract theory and practical knowledge. Beginning with a survey of underappreciated masters who perfected the use of color and light, the book examines how light reveals form, the properties of color and pigments, and the wide variety of atmospheric effects. Gurney cuts though the confusing and contradictory dogma about color, testing it in the light of science and observation. A glossary, pigment index, and bibliography complete what will ultimately become an indispensible tool for any artist.
This book is the second in a series based on his blog, His first in the series, Imaginative Realism, was widely acclaimed in the fantastical art world, and was ranked the #1 Bestseller on the Amazon list for art instruction.
\”James Gurney\’s new book, Color and Light, cleverly bridges the gap between artistic observation and scientific explanation. Not only does he eloquently describe all the effects of color and light an artist might encounter, but he thrills us with his striking paintings in the process.\” –Armand Cabrera, Artist
- 詹姆斯·格尔尼从20世纪80年代开始担任自由职业插画家,其油画创作方法融合了学术派写实主义以及插画艺术手法,这本书是他两本艺术指导书之一。
- 本书介绍的是画家进行艺术创作的两个zui重要元素—色彩与光线。色彩与光线既是所有色彩绘画都需要考虑的基础点和关键点,也是画家作画时经常遇到问题的地方。本书首先通过回顾大师作品,讲述传统绘画中对于光线和色彩的运用,紧接着论述光源、光线对形体的影响,色彩原理、颜料与色料以及色彩之间的关系,还包括怎样混合颜料,不同材质的表面对光和色彩的影响,以及各种各样的大气效应等。
- 本书适合各种水平的画者以及对视觉世界充满好奇心的人参考学习。
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牛 逼,不说别的,作者考据和发散学习的心态是一个艺术家应该具有的品质
作者 Author
James Gurney
James Gurney is the author and illustrator of the New York Times bestselling Dinotopia book series, which has been translated into eighteen languages in thirty-two countries. He designed the World of Dinosaurs stamps for the United States Postal Service and has worked on assignment for National Geographic magazine, painting reconstructions of Moche, Etruscan, and similar civilizations. His unique blending of fact and fantasy has won Hugo, Chesley, Spectrum, and World Fantasy Awards. An exhibition of the artwork from Dinotopia began at the Smithsonian Museum in Washington, D.C. and will continue in the fall of 2007 at the Los Angeles Public Library and the Oshkosh Public Museum in Wisconsin. Gurney lives in the Hudson River Valley of New York with his wife, two sons, and a blue parakeet, a living descendant of dinosaurs.
- 雨果奖、切斯利奖和世界奇幻奖得主;《恐龙梦幻国(Dinotopia)》系列图书作者;《纽约时报》畅销书排行榜上的畅销作者、插画家。
- 詹姆斯·格尔尼一手打造了《纽约时报》畅销书排行榜上受欢迎的《恐龙梦幻国》一书,并亲自绘制了插图,该书现已被译成了18种语言,畅销于30多个国家。他出版的《富有想象力的现实主义》,是绘画和艺术指导两个目录中热卖的图书,本书是作者继其之后的第二本艺术指导书。《富有想象力的现实主义》和《色彩与光线:写实主义绘画指南》均以作者广受赞誉的博客内容为基础, 现在每天有超过3000名读者浏览他的博客。