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英文原版:《We Were Dreamers: An Immigrant Superhero Origin Story》PDF MOBI EPUB
英文有声书:《We Were Dreamers》 Narrated by: Simu Liu · Length: 8 hrs and 10 mins
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《We Were Dreamers – An Immigrant Superhero Origin Story》
简介 Intro
《We Were Dreamers: An Immigrant Superhero Origin Story》—— Simu Liu / 刘思慕
Marvel\’s newest recruit shares his own inspiring and unexpected origin story, from China to the bright lights of Hollywood. An immigrant who battles everything from parental expectations to cultural stereotypes, Simu Liu struggles to forge a path for himself, rising from the ashes of a failed accounting career (yes, you read that right) to become Shang-Chi.
Our story begins in the city of Harbin, where Simu\’s parents have left him in the care of his grandparents while they seek to build a future for themselves in Canada. One day, a mysterious stranger shows up at the door; it\’s Simu\’s father, who whisks him away from the only home he had ever known and to the land of opportunity and maple syrup.
Life in the new world, however, is not all that it was cracked up to be; Simu\’s new guardians lack the gentle touch of his grandparents, resulting in harsh words and hurt feelings. His parents, on the other hand, find their new son emotionally distant and difficult to relate to – although they are related by blood, they are separated by culture, language, and values.
As Simu grows up, he plays the part of the pious son well; he gets A\’s, crushes national math competitions, and makes his parents proud. But as time goes on, he grows increasingly disillusioned with the expectations placed on his shoulders, and finds it harder and harder to keep up the charade.
Barely a year out of college, his life hits rock bottom when he is laid off from his first job as an accountant. Unemployed, riddled with shame and with nothing left to lose, Simu finds an ad on Craigslist that will send him on a wildly unexpected journey, into the mysterious world of show business.
Through a swath of rejections and comical mishaps, it is ultimately Simu\’s determination to carve out a path for himself that leads him to not only succeed as an actor, but also open the door to reconciling with his parents. After all, the courage to pursue his ambitions at all costs is something that he inherited from his parents, who themselves defied impossible odds in order to come to Canada.
We Were Dreamers is more than a celebrity memoir – it\’s a story about growing up between cultures, finding your family, and becoming the master of your own extraordinary circumstance.
关键词:We Were Dreamers;
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读者评论 Readers\’ Comments
好棒,Celebrate our Asianese
Audible听完了,simu的声音很棒,在车上睡前做家务的时间里断断续续竟然也还是很被打动。在致谢里听到爷爷奶奶已经在出版过程中不幸去世,simu带哭腔发抖的声音,让我也不住噙泪。Proud of our Asianness.
[有声书] 确实名不虚传的真诚啊!亚裔男孩儿北美成长之心酸:父母的期待和要求与自己兴趣爱好的矛盾、亚裔男性的刻板印象与自己追求他人认可的冲突… 很真挚很真实。没想到后来Simu说到自己因为加拿大国籍想闯荡美国好莱坞还受到了签证限制和影响,不禁觉得,哎大家都在同一条船上受苦… Simu为亚裔发声的举动更是加分!有声书亲身演绎,动情之处有哽咽,很棒!
惊艳之作,authentic不输Will Smith去年那本Will。思慕兄是89年的,大我一岁。父母不在身边,在哈尔滨留守至五岁,然后直接被带入语言环境截然不同的加拿大。一代无论run到哪,都是跟华人比收入、比孩子成绩、比房车;思慕真挚成熟的童年、青春期记忆,让人唏嘘,那些我们都熟悉的责骂、管教、严苛,换成英语能更冷静、更客观的让我们反思,其实跟父母间并非没有爱、尊重、依赖,而是在过程中慢慢丧失了尊重,丢掉了信任,变成那种陌生而深刻的伤感。爷爷是教授,奶奶是儿科医生,家教自是不能比,却依然深刻的共情他青春期那段trauma,出去后并不直接获得平静,而是在挣扎中振奋,一代继续卷死自己跟身边的人,二代开始有自己的路选。非常难得,简中环境不可能有这样的narrative,别再做上一辈那种父母了
前面的移民故事比后面的演艺故事精彩得多,刚讲完他爸妈inspiring的润,镜头一转就对他大搞mental & physical abuse,像程序一样惩罚他。和爸妈和解后还是这样毫不掩饰地呈现出来,更加触目惊心。希望他以后越来越好,we need more wins from asian kids.
作者 Author
Simu Liu / 刘思慕
Simu Liu is an actor and writer most widely known for his role as the hunky but dim-witted Jung on CBC’s Kim’s Convenience. In real life, however, he is neither dimwit nor hunk. His onscreen credits include Awkwafina is Nora from Queen’s, Fresh Off the Boat, The Expanse, in which he was killed by being molecularly deconstructed by an alien consciousness, and Shang-Chi and the Legend of the Ten Rings.
Liu has also written for film and television, authored articles for magazines, and created several boba-inspired memes that went viral on Subtle Asian Traits.
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