《文化大革命的起源》 – 罗德里克·麦克法夸尔(马若德)/ Roderick MacFarquhar – The Origins of the Cultural Revolut
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中文繁体:《文化大革命的起源(全三卷)》影印版本 PDF 电子书,其中包括:
- 第一卷《人民内部矛盾,1956-1957年》(Contradictions Among the People, 1956-1957)
- 第二卷《大跃进,1958-1960年》(The Great Leap Forward, 1958-1960)
- 第三卷《浩劫的来临,1961-1966年》(The Coming of the Cataclysm, 1961-1966)
封面 Cover
简介 Intro
The Origins of the Cultural Revolution #1 文化大革命的起源:人民内部矛盾 1956-1957 年
Why did Mao Zedong launch the cultural revolution that almost destroyed all that he had worked so long and so hard to create? In his highly praised study-now a classic-Roderick MacFarquhar seeks to answer that question by examining the politics, economics, culture, and international relations of China from the mid-1950s to the mid-1960s.
The Origins of the Cultural Revolution #2 文化大革命的起源:大跃进 1958-1960年
Why did Mao Tse-tung launch the cultural revolution which almost destroyed all that he had worked so long and so hard to create? The Origins of the Cultural Revolution: The Great Leap Forward 1958-1960 is the second volume in a trilogy which examines the politics, economics, culture, and international relations of China from the mid-1950s to the mid-1960s in order to answer that question.
This volume tells the story of the Great Leap Forward. Mao\’s utopian attempt to propel China economically and socially into the twenty-first century by mobilizing his nation\’s greatest asset: its disciplined manpower. The effect prosrcced economic disaster and political dissension, and helped to precipitate the Sino-Soviet split. Today\’s leaders point to it as the beginning of two decades of national trauma which ended only after the death Mao and the purge of the \”gang of four\”. Those leaders have recently authorized the release of a mass of new documentation in the form of political reminiscences, economic statistics, and leaders\’ speeches. This volume is the first scholarly work to use the new material comprehensively, weaving it into the narrative along with the contemporary record and the revelations published in Red Guard newspapers srcring the cultural revolution. The result is the most detailed account and analysis to date of what went wrong and why.
The Origins of the Cultural Revolution #3 文化大革命的起源:浩劫来临 1961-1966年
This is the final volume in a now-classic trilogy that seeks an answer to this question as it examines the politics, economics, culture, and international relations of China from the mid-1950s to the mid-1960s. Drawing upon new evidence from Chinese Party reports, personal interviews, books, and journals, this volume illuminates the struggle between Mao and his colleagues over the nature and direction of China\’s post-revolutionary society. Presenting the ebb and flow of the Party\’s authority as a function of Mao\’s political will, Roderick MacFarquhar shows that the Chairman\’s actions were srce less to his fear that the Party would wrest control from him, than to his refusal to let go, at any cost, of his vision of China as the vanguard revolutionary state.
The Coming of the Cataclysm explores the important events leading up to the Cultural Revolution, from the Central committee\’s Ninth Plenum—marking the end of Mao\’s Great Leap with its economic and human cost—to the launching of the Socialist Esrccation Movement; the split of international communism, and the dissolution of the Yan\’an Round Table after the fateful publication of the Twenty-three Articles, which contained a chilling warning against high-level leaders taking the capitalist road. Against the background of such divisive issues as extreme collectivization, nationwide famine, insrcstrial downsizing, and massive de-urbanization, MacFarquhar traces the rift between Mao and the Party over what Mao saw as counter-revolutionary methods—scaling back collectivization, transferring power from Party secretaries to factory managers, stressing esrccation over ideology, and recognizing the need for better relations with the outside world. MacFarquhar details the struggles of chief deputies such as Liu Shaoqi, Zhou Enlai, and Deng Xiaoping as they worked to bolster China\’s failing economy while constrained by Mao\’s defiant policy of national self-reliance and the inexorable \”Three Red Banners\” of the Great Leap. From the Ninth Plenum in 1961 to the publication of the Twenty-three Articles in 1965, MacFarquhar argues, Mao continually tested the Party. Although no one rose to challenge his leadership, he eventually lost confidence in the Party\’s ability to change society and to realize a communist utopia. On the eve of the Cultural Revolution, Mao—made resolute by the Sino-Soviet split and the Party\’s acceptance of the status quo—was ready to \”unleash society to change the Party.\”
第一卷《人民内部矛盾,1956-1957年》(英语:Contradictions Among the People, 1956-1957),第二卷《大跃进,1958-1960年》(英语:The Great Leap Forward, 1958-1960),第三卷《浩劫的来临,1961-1966年》(英语:The Coming of the Cataclysm, 1961-1966),分别于1974、1983、1997年出版。第一、二卷中译本曾由求实出版社、河北人民出版社于1989年出版,有删减,香港新世纪出版社2012年10月出版了三卷全译本,增补了原中译本删减部分。
- 费正清:麦克法夸尔精挑细选和修复了大量在毛的最后10年(1966-1976)中出版的文献,找出了导致灾难的毛主义政策的根源及其变迁。尚无人对“大跃进”做出过如此精辟和全面的总结。
- 刘魁栋认为该书可取之处有:资料丰富、观点独特、方法新颖(动态分析、定量分析、人际关系分析)。宫力认为该书特点有:视野开阔、立足反思、方法新颖、注重人物。
- 丁学良:作者的文革前史三部曲,开创了西方研究文革的新领域。完整的中译本终于问世,必将推动对文革更深入的研究。
- 沈志华:据我的观察,到目前为止,在国际学界(包括中国)关于中国的“无产阶级文化大革命”历史及其起源的研究中,麦克法夸尔教授的这套书是最优秀的着作。无论是从史料的梳理,史实的把握,还是从逻辑的分析,它都显示出一位熟知中国历史的外国史学家的功力。相信这套书会给中国读者带来一个全新的视野,并有助于他们了解和研究自己的历史。
- 杨奎松:麦克法夸尔的这套书,称得上是西方学者研究中国文化大革命史的开山之作,也是今人了解中华人民共和国历史的必读书之一。
- 裴敏欣:麦克法夸尔教授的文革史是研究中共高层政治的少有的杰出着作。它从毛泽东时代政治精英的意识形态与政策分歧和权力斗争来解释文革的政治起源。由于麦克法夸尔教授对史料的严谨的研究和细腻与深刻的分析,这部文革三卷史已成为中国学的经典作品之一。[6]
- 周言:《文化大革命的起源》三卷本早已享有盛誉,从“文革”研究史的学术史而言,其较早确立了文化大革命研究的基本框架。
- 董郁玉:“《起源》对来自官方与民间的海量历史资料条分缕析,多方考证,细致甄别,贯通因果,以至句句有根,事事有据,其旁征博引的史料之多,所述的历史事件之多,在中外文革研究领域中,尚不见出其右者。”“从国家政治的角度契入构成文革起源的国家政治运作,把文革作为国家政治发展过程中的一个现象进行研究。”
- 金冲及:胡绳认为该书“臆测居多”。
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读者评论 Readers\’ Comments
Pretty dry but still well written, lots of economic data and other such statistics but if you are interested in modern Chinese history this 3 volume series is (from my understanding) very well respected. If you are into history you will be fine but I could see someone with a casual interest not getting very far, it reads academically but it\’s still history.
麦克法夸尔对 CPC 政治洞察力惊人,毛刘之争亦隐然可见
作者 Author
罗德里克·麦克法夸尔(马若德)/ Roderick MacFarquhar
汉名马若德,英国历史及政治学者、中国问题专家、政治人物,专精于文化大革命历史,曾任哈佛大学政府系教授。父亲为英国外交官亚历山大·麦克法夸尔爵士( Sir Alexander MacFarquhar)。
- 《文化大革命的起源》
- 《剑桥中国史》第15卷《中华人民共和国史下卷 中国革命内部的革命 1966-1982年》(与费正清合着)
- 《毛泽东最后的革命》(与沈迈克合着)
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