Business Made Simple – 60 Days to Master Leadership, Sales, Marketing, Execution, Management,
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英文原版:《Business Made Simple: 60 Days to Master Leadership, Sales, Marketing, Execution, Management, Personal Prosrcctivity and More》PDF MOBI EPUB 格式电子书
英文有声书:《Business Made Simple》 Narrated by: Donald Miller · Length: 6 hrs and 55 mins
中文简体:《商业至简:60天在早餐桌旁读完商学院》PDF MOBI EPUB 格式电子书
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封面 Cover
Business Made Simple
简介 Intro
<Business Made Simple: 60 Days to Master Leadership, Sales, Marketing, Execution, Management, Personal Prosrcctivity and More>《商业至简:60天在早餐桌旁读完商学院》—— Donald Miller
Is this blue book more valuable than a business degree?
Most people enter their professional careers not understanding how to grow a business. At times, this makes them feel lost or, worse, like a fraud pretending to know what they’re doing.
It’s hard to be successful without a clear understanding of how business works. These 60 daily entries are crucial for any professional or business owner who wants to take their career to the next level.
New York Times and Wall Street Journal best-selling author Donald Miller knows that business is more than just a good idea made profitable – it’s a system of unspoken rules, rarely taught by MBA schools. If you are attempting to profitably grow your business or career, you need elite business knowledge – knowledge that creates tangible value.
Even if you had the time, access, or money to attend a top 20 business school, you would still be missing the practical knowledge that propels the best and brightest forward. However, there is another way to achieve this insider skill development, which can both drastically improve your career earnings and the satisfaction of achieving your goals.
Donald Miller learned how to rise to the top using the principles he shares in this book. He wrote Business Made Simple to teach others what it takes to grow your career and create a company that is healthy and profitable.
These short, daily entries will add enormous value to your business and the organization you work for. In this 60-day guide, listeners will be introsrcced to the nine areas where truly successful leaders and their businesses excel:
Character: What kind of person succeeds in business?
Leadership: How do you unite a team around a mission?
Personal prosrcctivity: How can you get more done in less time?
Messaging: Why aren’t customers paying more attention?
Marketing: How do I build a sales funnel?
Business strategy: How does a business really work?
Execution: How can we get things done?
Sales: How do I close more sales?
Management: What does a good manager do?
Business Made Simple is the must-have guide for anyone who feels lost or overwhelmed by the modern business climate, even if they attended business school. Learn what the most successful business leaders have known for years through the simple but effective secrets shared here.
Take things further: If you want to be worth more as a business professional, listen to each daily entry.
- 你真正的价值是什么?
- 你是否拥有为组织提供最大贡献的性格和技能?
- 提升自身核心竞争力,一定要花一大笔钱去读商学院吗?
- 本书通过60个单元,详细介绍了商业工作的基本原理和实践技巧,帮助读者成长为价值驱动型专业人才。全书案例丰富、技巧实用,化繁杂的商业知识为可操作的方法,为职场人士提供了一把通往商业世界的钥匙。对于初入职场者和有经验的管理者都是不可多得的实用指南。
- 阅读本书,你将学会价值驱动型专业人才的十种性格特质,并在实操层面上掌握以下十项商业技能:
- •领导力
- •生产率
- •战略
- •信息
- •市场营销
- •沟通
- •销售
- •谈判
- •管理
- •执行
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Preview – Business Made Simple试读 – 商业至简:60天在早餐桌旁读完商学院
读者评论 Readers\’ Comments
very useful information, the core of the book is good. know going in that this book is meant to be a gateway into more online learning, or even becoming a business coach. this book is a small part of the author\’s overall business plan. don\’t let that detract from the message though. the content is good, if the upsell isn\’t right for you then just ignore it. take what you want and leave the rest. the bonus material felt repetitive from the book, but got better towards the end. I liked it overall and would recommend
作者 Author
Donald Miller
Donald Miller is the CEO of Business Made Simple, an online platform that helps small business owners take the 6 steps that will grow their businesses. He is the host of the Business Made Simple podcast and is the author of several books, including the bestseller Building a StoryBrand. He lives and works in Nashville, Tennessee with his wife, Elizabeth, and daughter Emmeline.
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